Просмотр полной версии : All greetings, would be desirable to hear opinion on a following situation, me nravits...

17.06.2004, 08:00
All greetings, would be desirable to hear opinion on a following situation, I like the man for 6 years 28 years are more younger than me, me, but externally I look or appear is younger. But me disturbs, that he so is quickly ready to throw the present girlfriend (which met about one year), and voobshchem-that not against even on me marries, but I do not want. Voobshchem, as they say also it would be desirable and it is pricked... But vo-the first I already have man, my coeval, we with it or him together 5 years, but now he on long business trip, and vo-the second as - that is terrible. People, prompt as to be.

The anonym
17.06.2004, 15:28
" Me disturbs, that he so is quickly ready to throw the present girlfriend ". And you unless are not quickly ready to throw the "man"?

18.06.2004, 10:11
I was not present. I so quickly am not ready. Therefore I also ask. Simply I liked this person, but a difference in the age of + phobia of novelty me frighten. Therefore also I ask, can be at someone there was a similar experience.

The anonym
19.06.2004, 17:39
I had a difference in 7 years. Take a pause. Do not hurry.

The anonym
20.06.2004, 20:55
And you does not disturb, what you so are quickly ready to throw present the man?
And if another tomorrow is pleasant, while your friend on business trip?:-)

Victor plt
22.06.2004, 09:16
All is very simple! You ask to yourselves a question: for what he is necessary to you? If for entertainments enjoy! If for home life then leave. Do not contact maloletkoj! Through ennoe kol-in years he will throw you. For normal home life the husband should be more senior than the wife on the average for 10 15 years. Any normal the man appreciates in the woman first of all beauty, external data, and all rest in the second turn (oh as it is not pleasant to women!:)). Women grow old (externally, certainly; excuse for this word) in one and a half time more quickly, than men. Present now as the man and the woman approximately in 50 years look or appear! He mature, but still young can not only look on 20 40 girls, but also marry them! And the woman at such age? How she already looks or appears and whether much on it or her hunters?! Certainly, there are also exceptions, but it only exceptions of the general or common rules. Certainly, it is not fair and is insulting! But you wish to change the world?! Therefore find to myself normal the man with a normal difference of age (about which I spoke) and will be happy.
And the last. Well unless he already "man" in 22 years? He still the boy! To him still to walk yes to walk! Therefore he with ease will throw the girlfriend and you also in the near future.

22.06.2004, 23:30
sovershenno soglasna s Viktorom. Delnie soveti daet.

24.06.2004, 03:46
Thanks all for advice or councils, and especially to Victor. I with it or him according to or agree in many respects. I know, that men appreciate beauty, but at me with it or this that's all right and in family at us (probably has simply carried) my mum in 50 years looks or appears on 38 40, and the grandmother in 80 on 60 with hvostikom. So me does not disturb, that I vygljadit shall be more senior than it or him. And, still, I do not think, that he will allow under the attitude or relation to me (if vse-taki I shall agree with it or him;them to meet) to something bad, potomu-that he also also the friend to my native brother. And, probably, I can be and would like to get or start simply small novel, but kak-conscience excruciates that. Voobshchem, probably it is necessary to try to understand itself once again.

25.06.2004, 04:36
Problem in a sex dissatisfaction and easy or light;mild achievement by use of the friend to the brother (constantly looms before eyes, therefore became a subject of sex imaginations. From its or his party or side - the senior sister of the friend - always a titbit. It even is more than to oversleep with the girlfriend of the friend, it @ the friend by means of bloods (consanguineous relation), for the sake of such business or affairs it is possible even "podzhenitsja", believing thus, that promise all heart, is sick tsenna the purpose for achievement.