Просмотр полной версии : How to struggle with morbid jealousy? I very attractive young...

Alina N
24.06.2004, 04:52
How to struggle with morbid jealousy? I very attractive young woman, fairly clever, men for me go almost "herds". And all time chudjatsja changes of the husband, apparently, that other women for it or him are more interesting to me, they will show a finger to him, and he with laughter is rolled up. It kills me. We in marriage or spoilage ten years. It can is quite natural from its or his party or side, lose interest to the woman from which it is so much time together? To Me already at its or his presence both it is not dared or does not laugh, and it is not joked, and it is could not and it would not be desirable. And in the company with other men with me all naooborot. Give advice or council how to not be jealous?

Bobrov A.E.
24.06.2004, 19:27
Beautiful women quite often have a underestimated self-rating. Try to cease "to compete" with other women. In general it is necessary to learn to respect with itself and to not fall up to jealousy. But it is very uneasy. Real achievements in a life are necessary.