Просмотр полной версии : When we have met it or him, he was the present dzhentelmenom. All was prek...

23.06.2004, 09:39
When we have met it or him, he was the present dzhentelmenom. All was perfect both at job, and in attitudes or relations. We had everything, except for problems with money. We enjoyed a life, went to have a rest, practically did not quarrel. But the destiny has given us a unpleasant surprise. Now there was no anything, only our love. Me upsets not so much, that we aground, how much its or his behaviour under the attitude or relation to me. It or he all is enraged also by him dares to talk to me how did not allow earlier. Can call, became materitsja. Then is sorry, but nothing varies. Money is not present and to live with it or him at times simply not vynosimo. All infinite troubles at job are vented on me. What to me to do or make? I like it or him, but to save for it or him insult and to suffer or bear humiliation I can not any more.

23.06.2004, 17:18
Money is not present and to live with it or him at times simply not vynosimo... As at times we wish itself to deceive, but from the truth will not leave, - in hearts the truth and then there is all on the places is uttered.

24.06.2004, 11:22
nelez to the muzhik to him it is bad, and not up to love!
Become more mysterious...., well and money.....????