Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I wish to ask advice or council. At me soon wedding (in September). I in...

Lysenko Maria
14.06.2004, 04:31
Hello, I wish to ask advice or council. At me soon wedding (in September). I marry not on love. I am adhered to the elect, I respect with it or him. Now when to wedding all it is ready at me has begun nevroz-nervoz. I every day unjustly cry or pay, I reproach it or him in what that mistakes or errors (earlier all was smooth). All and all irritates me. Even more often I come back ideas to liked (2 years ago we have left before wedding - my parents have not allowed to leave for it or him). What to me now to do or make? How to return calmness to the soul? To me the truth very badly. Prompt, please.

16.06.2004, 19:31
And why such necessity to marry not on love? On-that likes you? Voobshche-always one likes that, and another only allows to like itself(himself). How old are you, if not a secret? Yes, many families marry not on love, she comes later yours faithfully, but with dr. The parties or sides such sitatsija can end both hassle, and divorce.

16.06.2004, 22:56
Speak love in due course passes or takes place. And still speak, that our grandmothers left for the husband not on love, the love came then, in due course, and she appeared nastoshchej when people save the woken up feeling longly formed, up to the extremity or end of the days. And, the some people fall in love with an interval with 2 weeks, and each time - consider or count, that this time that feeling nastoshchee for the sake of which all can be crossed out and begun all over again. How will be at you? Depends on you. But before to fall in love our subconscious mind does or makes the some people rasschety (well not in everyone we can fall in love, eat any criteria), that is calculation is present always. And, love it or not? Can you yet have begun to see clearly? And, can it is necessary to refuse wedding?... And to begin to see clearly in some years, having understood what has refused?:)) YES, YES "... Eternal fight, rest only dreams us ".

18.06.2004, 11:44
To marry it is necessary when there is no ANY doubts. So one friend (54 years) has told or said and he was right.

19.06.2004, 03:09
And you tried to be with the groom as spouses, but not making out marriage or spoilage? It would be reasonable in such circumstances. And in a year it becomes clear to you, whether you wish to continue this matrimony. And even at failure at you will be less than injuring circumstances.

19.06.2004, 23:23
Marriages of convenience much more strong and more easy by way of quarrels. And think how painfully to be disappointed in the liked person. The love has left, zavjali tomatoes, and what? Not a life, and torture. And in your marriage or spoilage all will be for certain excellent or different. Always and in all there is a good party or side.

Lysenko Maria
20.06.2004, 17:21
I live with my elect 5 months as it now is called in "civil marriage" - without a die. He likes me and insists on veneering of attitudes or relations as we have parents, relatives to whom it is necessary that we had a family. To me 22, 5 years. Problems and skirmishes every day more increasing or more and more. Yesterday he has asked: " At you such behaviour as if or as you have decided not to marry?! " I have not changed the mind, the mood on zero, depression is simple to me unjustly badly, to crying. And the main thing I can not find the reason.

24.06.2004, 05:00
You that, marry for parents? But same it is silly! If something not so will appear, you will blame them! Especially you still so are young! You are assured, what is it that person with whom you can live all life?