Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me low reaction and in general often any closed sost...

23.06.2004, 17:48
Hello! At me low reaction and in general often any closed status. Prompt, please, what trainings can help or assist. Only to me are necessary active that have stirred up me as follows. The psychoanalyst has not helped or assisted (is almost hollow year to it or him;them went, but all uselessly, for me is tjagomotina of which just I and would like to get rid). How to learn to react to all it is fast? Help or assist, please!

Tolokonin A.O.
24.06.2004, 00:20
Trainings are applied as an auxiliary method, instead of the basic. By that you have written about yourselves, at you long depression. Find other expert. Without internal survey to recommend something it is rather complex or difficult.