Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Tell or say, whether is any preparaty-antidepressants, spos...

19.06.2004, 05:46
Hello. Tell or say, whether is any preparaty-the antidepressants, capable to cause or call an impotency? A problem here what: my uncle have put in psychiatric clinic iz-for a strong neurosis or depression, I am exact not in a course. To him have registered strong restful preparations (what yet I do not know). He to worry in occasion of that they can cause or call an impotency. I in this delirium do not believe and I ask from you advice or council, as at the doctor. Whether and more is at Sonapaksa the same by-effects influencing negatively on man's sexual function. In advance I thank.

20.06.2004, 15:50
Sonapaks - the neuroleptic, can negatively affect or influence on libido, but it is temporary effect.

Bakalova E.A., the doctor-psychiatrist, the psycho
21.06.2004, 10:29
Inna, psychotropic preparations including antidepressants can cause a by-effect, vvide depressions of a sexual inclination and a potency. It not at all and is temporary.

23.06.2004, 05:10
Uv Doctor Bakalova, many thanks for the answer.