Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me such problem: Several months ago at me pojavi...

12.06.2004, 09:08
At me such problem:
Several months ago I had not clear attacks, for example during a trip to the bus. Not clear sensation with solnechnogno plexuses rises snzu-upwards to a head, (pochemu-that has thought, that here so pressure falls) delicacy in extremities is felt, colors for a while become strongly more brightly, sometimes it would be desirable in a toilet (as for example before examination from pavor).
Such it was rare, gde-that once a month.
And here 4 days ago I had to go to a cinema and gde-that to the extremity or end of a session I had a same attack:
Sensation of shortage of air, that in a throat, pavor for the life (whether it is not enough of that).
It was necessary to stop up ears and to wait the extremity or end of a session so it was easier.
After that session already at home this very day attacks were still some times.
When went to bed me has thrown in sweat, there were unpleasant sensations in a solar plexus, there was a diarrhea but when I have understood what is it all from nerves and has ceased to give in it at once has stopped. This night and following slept well.
In the afternoon I pursued sensation of alarm, pavor for own health. Any sore, kolnulo gde-nibud something - I consider or examine;survey as a sign of an incurable disease. Delicacy, szhatost in a shoulder girdle, that in a throat, shortage of air.
Next night I slept very badly, there was a sensation that time goes very quickly, but I was like as in consciousness. In 6 mornings I like would fall asleep. But the dream was absolutely superficial.
Next day I have started to drink in the afternoon on 5 drops of Valeriana, from it or her to me it became easier. Saws glitsin poodnoj to a tablet 3 times a day. Pricked Aktovegin and Mildronad. Instant improvements did not notice.

Inflow in a head have absolutely stopped, but the dyspnea often repeats, especially after insignificant fiz. Loads and when I notice any sore - it becomes very terrible. Very much I am afraid to catch a cold.
The third night I in the same way cannot fall asleep, though the visible reasons for alarm are not present, at least I do not think of them constantly. From Valeriana and Donormila the dream not strongly improves.

What is it, psychological disease, or any internal organs?
What to me to do or make?

14.06.2004, 06:48
And more,
To me 21 year, I do not drink, I do not smoke.
But I sit at a computer much

Mahmudov E.M.
17.06.2004, 03:43
No, " internal organs " hardly. Your status is very similar on, so-called, panic attacks which at the present stage are treated very not bad. Consultation of the psychiatrist or the psychotherapist and the minimal inspections is necessary.

19.06.2004, 13:16
Sergey, you have simply excellent described everything, " that is necessary "! These are "classical" panic attacks, or still them call " an attack of threat ". To you has very much carried, that you practically instantly have now learned or have now found out, that with you. Usually pass or take place months, but more often - years while the person who as well as you, naturally considers or counts, that something not by way of with its or his corporal health (heart, lungs, a brain) - at last finds the answer. And often does not find, it or he is irritated only with "incompetence" and "indifference" of doctors which speak " is healthy as the bull ", and you kazhdochastno die and panic, as though " to not forget as to breathe "! And so, while all is not started - by run to the psychiatrist. At least, there solve, that is more optimum in your case, easier or simply "to suppress" or stop" an acute attack of a panic in case of its or his occurrence by a tranquilizer as "first aid", or - if attacks frequent and prevent to function it is high-grade - a course of antidepressants, a kind and a dosage a cat. Steal up individually, t. e. By practical consideration. The main thing to not start, that has not passed in generalizovanoe disturbing or alarming frustration and phobias have not developed. Can come also on a site (noncommercial) www. pan-at. narod. ru (tkt there are blanks, clean or remove them). Success!

21.06.2004, 02:40
And what on the bill of a dream? How I have understood sleeplessnesses from PA was not present?
How to me to sleep?.. SHCHas the day off, the psychotherapist you will not find.

mr. X
21.06.2004, 12:37
Panic Attacks, perhaps, the most popular subject at psychiatric forums. Simply esteem, that to another advise in similar cases. And and here the day off. PA - not something acute where it is necessary to rescue or save;salvage a life, it is unpleasant, but not dangerous. Wait Monday, and to the psychiatrist on a residence. The forecast, in most cases, is favorable, so calm down.

It is given
22.06.2004, 03:44
The guy, do not spoil itself with powerful or potent preparations, borrow or occupy in practical yoga and you will forget about all this herne.