Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, how in your opinion if the woman of 24 years do not interest at all the husband...

18.06.2004, 07:44
Tell or Say, how in your opinion if the woman of 24 years men do not interest at all, she by all means sick? Frigid or something like that? Well there is no to me a business or an affairs up to men in general, (up to women too.) Toest in men I do not see potential sex partners, as those. What is the love - I can not understand in general. Here to me the girlfriend for example tells - to share feelings, " I so like it or him, " - govoritb and I look at it or her and I can not understand what is this a thing such - love? I was offended never by men, at me normal parents. I not the ugly creature, not zakompleksovannaja devstennitsa old regime education which like as the goods on a shelf waits the for the first and unique, but I simply do not represent that with the man it is possible to live long years, to create family, I do not represent myself in this family for a role of the wife. I cannot understand at all - what for it is necessary to spend long years, energy, a youth and a maturity for family. Here though kill, I 24 years have lived with such outlook on life and not chuvsvuju myself something deprived. It is norm or rate or illness or disease, how - to yours???

The anonym
19.06.2004, 18:53
Oksana! Ljubvov when _ all you will understand also anybody to ask you will not begin! Will be bright, mirkojadernyj intimate or cardiac explosion!!! Success!

The anonym
20.06.2004, 10:28
You are still very young, the nested instinct at women has an effect after 28 years. But even, if and then he will not show itself(himself), no trouble - if All of you arranges. And attitudes or relations with men is not only family, try to begin with friendship. And suddenly it is interesting? And more I advise to talk about it or this to parents (especially with mother) as they had this process.

21.06.2004, 06:36
http: // antisex. cjb. net/