Просмотр полной версии : With the husband periodically there is a deep depression. He at this time all in se...

19.06.2004, 06:59
With the husband periodically there is a deep depression. He at this time all in itself(himself), speaks a little when about something I ask, responds, that thinks of meaning of the life, about for what we live, thus its or his eyes remind me eyes volchenka, they abnormal, vospolennye. All this usually occurs or happens on a background of my huge congestion at job, on a background of my successes in business, and at it or him at job recently one failures. I, as can, I try to be with it or him tender and close or attentive, but very much I get tired and it would be desirable, that me the same ktoto would regret, but I should regret. Its or his mum always suffered and now suffers a cyclotymia. Probably, this or thus hereditary, and can I am guilty with the udachami and successes? He convinces me, that we boringly live: we wake up in the morning, we run on job, in the evening - from job, we eat a supper, etc. And I dream of peace of mind, I so am tired from its or his depressions, from its or his reasonings on meaning of the life, they sluchajutja in increasing frequency. When I and cannot "thaw" it or him, he gets drunk and begins the present or true psychosis. We have a psychiatrist who selects to him the scheme or plan. I wished to learn or find out three things:
1. If it is a cyclotymia that me to wait in the future? I mean, how this illness or disease of people eventually changes?
2. Whether it is possible to remove or take out depression to the person independently, without any medicines?
3. The doctor speaks, that he very acquisitive person, on it or this all so is uneasy with it or him. And what, now should be njanjushkoj? To calm or abirritate? To iron? To amuse? I in fact the same of it or this want all! What should be mine strategically correct behaviour in this u-u-uh what complex or difficult situation?
But I very much like the husband and would not like to get divorced from it or him iz-for its or his illness. Here only how to help or assist, I do not know.
In hope for comprehension,

Bobrov A.E.
20.06.2004, 22:15
Basically it is certainly possible or probable both a cyclotymia, and cleanly psychologically caused depression (t. n. " The reflected depression " at the son in connection with disease of mother). At a lot of depressions to reduce or even to remove or take out depression it is possible and without medicines, but for this purpose it is necessary special (and quite often long and qualified) psychotherapeutic job. The sense of a psychotherapy just also consists in imparting to the patient skill of overcoming of depression, not causing "pity" and care from associates, and by active overcoming the suffering.