Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Not so long ago during cleaning papers, has come across the letter to mo...

07.06.2004, 06:11
Hello! Not so long ago during cleaning papers, has come across the letter to my husband from one young girl datirovannym time of our beginning with it or him of the novel. I should its or his prohonour, I repent have led myself ugly. The text of the letter was such gentle and with hope for their continuation night obshcheny on an Internet and even invitations on a visit. To me became as that not on itself. Why people store or keep such letters? In additives in those places where the partner can see them. Thanks

08.06.2004, 15:25
From vanity...

09.06.2004, 10:59
Can, from vanity (to me on its or his place too bts it was a pity vyborosit the similar letter). And can, he has written it? In any case, kriminala yet I do not see...

10.06.2004, 20:39
No... This letter is written not to them. But the matter is that I fine understand all, however to me a little not on myself of that he stores or keeps that letter... Probably it is necessary to look at all easier.

12.06.2004, 10:15
My wife holds houses a photo was or former. I do not know what for. I have asked, she has told or said: simply so. I have taken and have brought photos of all former aunts (on 2 albums will be:))) it or her has a little warped, but she in fact the first has begun:))) and if seryozno in it or this is not present no trouble.

The anonym
13.06.2004, 18:27
And if the letter is written not to them, that
To worry?

13.06.2004, 20:35
Men in general in some displays so primitivny-even the cleverest and reasonable from them. Yes, here it lifts it or him in own eyes, to him it is pleasant that "want" it or him. Where hranit-he simply has not thought. They do not think of such things, therefore to take for gills at zhelanii-ljubogo-as easy as shelling pears. Well he also has not continued this novel? I understand, it is unpleasant to you, at you now osadok-which it will be obligatory sooner or later in something (ha, in something)))) - will pour out. Because blockheads.

15.06.2004, 03:59
The girl, is not necessary then. If to you
vsterchalis only such types - same not an occasion
For so powerful or potent generalizations. Etak it is possible
To come up to " all muzhiks - goats, all byby-
Silly women "

15.06.2004, 14:08
It or He so was liked by women, and he has chosen you)

The anonym
17.06.2004, 03:59
And you would save the similar letter from the extremely nice and lovely men, datirovannoe same date? Respond fairly:) also do not reproach the husband... I too store or keep mass of the correspondence connected with my virtual and real novels and let lays:)

18.06.2004, 09:43
Listen, Konstantin. .chto in translation or transfer with antique oznachaet-constant)))) If it has been addressed mne-that I shall respond you. Yes, edak it is possible to come. Also there will be in it or this a share of the truth. Simply women in this plan much more cleverly and more cautiously muzhchin-they if prjachut-hide that so, that then cannot find) And muzhchiny-they not so about it or this care. In rezultate-have a mine of the slowed down action. Then do not know, in what delo-why the life is not got on, that does not suffice her and why she has left to Ptiburdukovu. Also come then to vyvodu-what is it because all baby-silly women.

19.06.2004, 14:27
I too often shall come across something unexpected at the husband in things. Recently under a mattress has found a photo of any blonde. I ask, who such. And he speaks me, he/she is the friend has asked to draw a portrait of its or his mistress (my husband draws). Also what? To believe or to not believe? And still he to me has told or said, that if it there was its or his mistress or the girlfriend, he would hide better. I do not know...

20.06.2004, 14:48
I here have remembered as with similar my girl-friend finished. Finding (on a computer) every possible pornos and it is simple a photo of familiar girls of the husband (zaprjatannyh in what string papochku) she very quietly them deleted, cleaning all traces behind itself. And for its or her husband she was not able to include a computer almost. Here can also to me if he will not hide the letter where far away from my eyes unintentionally to lose it or him? Simply understand me correctly, it me became razdrozhat a little!: (