Просмотр полной версии : I am ill " or sick " one and a half year. It at all love and probably passion at all z...

31.05.2004, 20:20
I am ill" or sick" one and a half year. It at all love and probably passion at all I do not know as to name. I have met the person, he has appeared the most charming, most lovely person most tremendous with the lover in my life but... I know that at it or him is and there will be many other women, I think there at it or him hierarchy and even if I take there the first place, from it or this it is not easier. Nevertheless for me our attitudes or relations as a narcotic. Even if I at present am with any friend and he calls I think out mad pretexts to run away from appointment and to meet it or him. Each time as I consider or examine;survey our attitudes or relations from I see that I lose advantage running to it or him;them on its or his each call but anything with myself I can not do or make and probably I do not want. He has exhausted me awfully. Our attitudes or relations do not have future, I so think but also iz-for it or him I especially do not have an attitude or a relation with anybody another - all time is compared and in its or his advantage or benefit (beautiful, clever, generous, sex), anybody from the others in soles is not necessary to him. Recently he has moved for ever to other city, I know that he and there will fine walk and will recollect me only if will arrive on couple of days. Nevertheless two days ago it was broke on its or his call, has arrived to it or him;them on a visit, spent on a train, now I do not know as to be justified before that from whom has escaped. How much time fairly sent it or him where far away, how much time tried to forget but as soon as I shall hear its or his voice in a tube I forget about all. But if fairly yet has not met the person which could replace to me it or him and I do not know how much still to me to be excruciated..

01.06.2004, 07:36
Hi, the sister by misfortune! I long for the same reason. Tried to escape from IT or him - few times was going to in marriage, tried to live in a civil marriage with another, but there was HE, and I forgot about all. Forgave to HIM all... Deceive another the man could not, therefore at once severed relations iz-for IT or him. And HE then easy lived further and without me. In arms or hand 2, 5 months now behave. I hear a voice in a tube and I have a snack a labium to not begin to cry and not tell or say, that now I shall come tearing along to it or him;them because live without it or him I can not. I hope, the doctor will prompt how to beat out this dur. It in fact not love, and an algophilia any.

02.06.2004, 09:07
And to be excruciated to you it is necessary until, yet will not find will power in itself, and your vanity will not start to dominate over a necessary measure. Men concern to us how we allow to ourselves concerns. It is a pity only, that we understand this simple true not always at once. My girlfriends always were surprised, why I, not possessing any special natural beauty, had mass of close or attentive admirers which, not looking at my indifference, it is simple prelonjalis before me. In other words, more likely even indulged. But all this comes far not at once: I too had to pass or take place through a similar situation when it was ready having thrown or stopped all, like mad, to be carried anywhere, if only to be near to it or him. There were many excruciatings and experiences, torments and doubts while he, finally not having become impudent, not prepodal to me a good lesson, it is frank posmejavshis above feelings. But I only have remained is grateful to him for it, he has wakened in me vanity, has let know, how it is necessary concerns first of all to itself. There is a limit to everything, and feeling of a measure for me the most dear from all others. But I longly suffered or bore its or his disrespectful tricks, trying to find to all the justification - whether love understand, where was not present right and guilty. It is unpleasant to recollect, how feelings did not allow to notice and realize to the full all of humiliation. .i you up to the extremity or end do not realize it or this now. Be stirred up, counter to all dushchevnoj pains and to a physical inclination, find in itself forces to not allow itself to use. Believe, from it or this you only will rise in its or his eyes.

03.06.2004, 14:56
Very much I am afraid, what is it for all life... He in fact so kogda-nibud and the future can destroy family.., if, certainly, it or she manages vse-taki to be created...

04.06.2004, 17:17
Very much I am afraid, what is it for all life... He in fact so kogda-nibud and the future can destroy family.., if, certainly, it or she will manage vse-taki to be created...

06.06.2004, 08:45
Yes, girls, and at me in fact too most... Here 4, 5 years Only last (((. I, the truth, and at all at phone have stayed for all of them (I wait, while the feeling will wither - fine I know, while it will not wither, anybody cannot like me. Earlier other admirers at all did not irritate me - and now even enrage. Where here on them attention to switch!..)

06.06.2004, 17:56
Devonki, it does not pass or take place! From yourself you will not escape!!! It is possible to get or start a heap of admirers, to twist them as want, but from it or this more "crazy" love helps or assists only!

07.06.2004, 13:49
Other output or exit, except for how to pass or take place through a pain stivnuv a teeth and having collected will in a fist.... - I do not know.
And completely it is necessary to exclude any opportunity of contact to you (for example to replace phone numbers if it is possible or probable).

08.06.2004, 08:48
Yes all is possible: it is possible to find in itself forces to respond indifferently to its or his calls, not paying attention, that at one only heard voice, inside starts all to shiver, it is possible to find in itself forces to not react to its or his requests for an occurring, and even at casual occurrings to not allow delicacy to seize or take possession you. Believe, all this will work, but only it is necessary to take itself in arms or hand. Here already almost 5 years have passed or have taken place, as all this madhouse has begun. From them 2 years I married, and let will forgive or excuse me the god, but to not fool around I could not, though time has considerably brought to reason me. And now, I completely can supervise myself. And even if we meet, and there is it extremely seldom, we simply can have dinner at restaurant and talk about the past, the future and the present. He respects with me and I am assured, values that between us was, despite of all humiliations which I already here described. Now all has changed: I can easy call to him for in communication or connection with many circumstances, he never knows where I am and consequently asks to have an effect always. I, certainly, understand, that it is not necessary to take a great interest or be fond too, therefore I appear very seldom, but believe, he at once is ready to fly to me on the first call. At times I am surprised, how all was changed in our attitudes or relations, and I give due force and reason which have allowed me to translate or transfer our attitudes or relations absolutely in other bed or channel. As has shown time, we have not been created for a joint daily life, to us it is only good together from time to time. To me flatters and amuses vanity that fact, that the person whom I madly liked so it is perfect to me concerns now, but time is has left or cunning - and I look at it or him already other eyes. At each of us the family, and everyone fine understands the otvestvennost and duties. I have forgiven or excused to him all and everything because I can not hold insult on people. And more because during any moment I have understood, that legs or foots about me wiped iz-that I have dared most to come to "cloth" which a sin prosto-naprosto was to not use. Men do not like neither easy or light;mild victories, nor dialogue with "plasticine" when you bend somehow and as much as necessary, and you even do not think to it or this to oppose or resist. But it is necessary to show coldness as you start to cajole as a whimsical flower. Only here this coldness costs or stands greater or big efforts. But there is nothing impossible, no!! Girls be strong though the woman by nature and is born to be weak. I understand, that the love so quickly does not pass or take place, and she does not pass or take place up to the extremity or end in general - simply gde-that in a secret corner of soul in us there are warm and gentle memoirs on this person and that between you was, and that, certainly helps or assists us to live. And to live it is necessary a real life: our reserving - to frame family and to give birth or travail to children. Look or See objectively at things that is better for you and it is more important: despite of all pain and flours or torments to begin all all over again, to muffle in itself was acutely pressing feelings, more increasing or more and more to plunge into new acquaintances and dialogue which, I am assured will present you chance to find the one who is necessary to you, to create family with the person liking you or all life to twitch on its or his each call, periodically enjoying fleeting occurrings and minutes of happiness, and being then tormented with flours or torments of its or his silence and zealous suspicions what exactly in these minutes he gde-that with another, silently "to die" of melancholy and misfortune, it is not clear that to wait, while at last, he finally will not forget about your existence, therefore as, its or his calls bududt all less often and less often. Choose.

08.06.2004, 16:12
It seems to me, business in priorities. We so are brought up, that mad love - the maximum or supreme value, and she can sacrifice all and the advantage including. If in a youth it still kak-that is pardonable, maturing, necessary to replace system of values. When you think of the future family on the foreground there is not a charm, and reliability, feeling of the responsibility. And about that " men concern to us how we allow to concern to ourselves " I completely agree with Lajzoj.

10.06.2004, 02:23
And I too passed or took place through such love. Year 3, 5 it was excruciated. We work with it or him at one job so to disappear from it or him there was no place. To cope with it or this it was required approximately 1, 5 years. Has started to find the addictings full of an adrenaline, there there were the new friends, new sympathies, very much pull together dangers, successes in new business raise or increase a self-rating. Far not at once, slowly and gradually he became for me all less significant. And here, at last, I have fallen in love with another the man which all these years were series, and I did not notice it or him. And it not the extremity or end, a life ahead long, all still not time will change, so much any miscellaneous will be...

10.06.2004, 10:15
uteshtes that, what is it not to all it is given. If wish "to tear", provoke IT or HIM to it so to you it will be easier. And further... Your problems. And I on your place would try to solve all in your advantage or benefit, "to adhere" IT or HIM to myself. It is possible to the some (I know a case) but as it to make, should feel. Success!

10.06.2004, 14:59
I too know some such cases, but pochemu-that all of them badly came to an end. The most sad history has occured or happened to my uncle, it or he was married on itself by the woman whom he did not like (the child should appear), and she has been enamoured madly. In some years and the uncle have grown fond of the wife, but it was not so necessary for her. The uncle has started to drink and has died of drunkenness at young age. Has passed or has taken place more than 10 years, and the life at the aunt and has not developed, met she many, but all uselessly. It can and the truth illness or disease? Can at healthy people of such love does not happen?

12.06.2004, 04:59
You have built such type of attitudes or relations!
He arranges you! And if to think and all soberly to estimate or appreciate and inspire itself, what is it not yours and so you does not arrange it will be easier to refuse!
In fact if from on it to look or see, it is visible, what is it will pass or take place, instead of has passed or has taken place at once only iz-that there is no worthy replacement!
Cease dorisovyvat its or his advantages! The man first of all, should be worthy and responsible or crucial! Almost any can be stirred on klasnogo samtsa!...

13.06.2004, 15:18
You will think, 1, 5 years. I could not find ten years better, more cleverly, more beautifully, more sexly in addition more richly and more generously. From this ten two years after he has completely disappeared. I advise to help or assist him to disappear. Tell or say to him, that you from it or him are pregnant and want the child. And in general, you wish to be happy - be to her! Be pleased to that is and do not think of what cannot be.

15.06.2004, 02:41
It is time to copy the vital script.:) too much fatal and tragical in that variant which you have written. To reduce it is not necessary, it is simple instead of the tragical ending think up what nibud heppi-end with jumoroi and adventures:) Let the play will be long and cheerful. Spectators will estimate or appreciate:). Concern to a life easier.

15.06.2004, 12:23
Similar you like yourselves insufficiently...

The mouse
15.06.2004, 15:56
JUlja, take itself in arms or hand, simply understand, that you experienced iz-for this person already enough, will suffice!.. .eto history without continuation. Recollect that he could make, instead of has made, that could tell or say, but and has not told or said... All insulting things which you from it or him saw (by way of an inattention) and then you will understand, that have reduced yourself to that level when you have started to use simply. Do not meet and do not talk it or him, finish these attitudes or relations and then you can begin normal attitudes or relations with other person, having released or exempted from IT or him. And will pass or take place time and you will understand, that all its or his advantages have been strongly exaggerated. On light many men are much better than it or him, only here your blinding by IT or HIM does not allow to see them.

16.06.2004, 00:48
I have fallen in love with 16 years, yes so, that nobody saw around, except for it or him, has quarrelled with everything, with parents, with friends. Attitudes or relations proceeded 2, 5 years. Within these years there were such humiliations for me which and opisat-that is a shame. Eventually, I have personally seen it or him with other girl (before only heard, knew, but did not see and t. The item), and he at this girl to me has told or said, that I anybody and much that else. Here after that, I also have told or said to myself, that so to proceed cannot any more. To me it was very sick. I cried at the nights, saw Novopassit + valerjanku, hardly restrained to not call to him, has left for a week to friends and did not dry out from cheap vodka literally: - ((.
More shortly, slowly, but I have recovered. Later some months, he have called to me, asked all to forgive or excuse, asked to return and t. Item I have met it or him and nakonets-that have seen, what not such he krasavchik with what seem to me earlier.
All this story I wished to tell or say, that you yet did not have such turning-point when even the strongest love understands, that all is terminated or over, not ispita " last drop " patiences.
I sincerely wish you convalescence, success and happiness. Look back around, the world is really perfect!

16.06.2004, 14:24
I had almost the same. Has torn, has forgotten, has grown fond of other person who actually was better than it or him. And here in 12 years has casually met it or him and has again felt everything, that was earlier. Everything, that for a long time has buried and has been assured, that nothing remains. I knew what he, remembered all that pain which he has caused me, but was ready to close eyes and rush anywhere, only with it or him. Half a year then departed, all pulled to call. Vrodiby has passed or has taken place again.
What is it such? I do not know, but it can be simple the natures wishes to reproduce of more posterity from high-grade, beautiful, etc. men? And how to her it to make? A unique way to make its or his ladies' man, not capable to like from the big letter. That is it is simple samtsom, and the women communicating it or him - to transform in samok. It is interesting, what the doctor thinks?

17.06.2004, 18:40
At me the situation is similar, but another is a little bit. Sometimes I think, what is it punishment by love is sent to us from above. You die of love, you suffer, you grieve, - and feedbacks any. Someone can, kogda-the one whom I have unfairly offended (can, not wishing that), have wished me the same. Than not a malefice?

The one who will help or assist.
18.06.2004, 15:39
Women, women. It is not necessary here masses of explanations, attempts to understand not clear to try to spread out all on polochkam. This all is called as one slovom-LOVE. And as all in it or this mire-the love comes and leaves. And more one. When the man (liked by you) humiliates you, thus he tries samoutverditsja to prove to itself, that what disgusting he would not be, all the same it or him will listen and like. (I speak as the man). Lajza. Now instead of was or former liked you can have the present or true friend (for the friendship between the man and the woman arises only after.....)

19.06.2004, 13:50
Alas, I do not believe in friendship between the man and the woman. There is no it or her, both anybody and anything while shche could not overpersuade in it or this: numerous friends and their attitudes or relations with me and with others, making related and other. There are simply familiar, good friends, relatives. Probably, I put in concept "friendship" too much and, hence, too much I demand from people whom it would be desirable to name friends. But it seems to me, that it or this I only preserve myself against various disappointments in people and attitudes or relations with them. In my comprehension between floors can be or love (with all following), business, or acquaintance (the neighbour, the husband of the friend is simple, etc.), other alternatives are not present, from my point of view.

The one who will help or assist
19.06.2004, 17:10
Dear Lajza. I have not told or said, that you Have or will have the present or true friend. I have told or said, that you can have the present or true friend. And to have or net-depends on you. And in general, let's communicate (without witnesses). Mine Aska-131069043 JAnychar.

20.06.2004, 07:36
Similar on nine and a half of weeks.