Просмотр полной версии : All greetings. The opinion of conference on such question is interesting: there is an opinion, cht...

08.06.2004, 06:13
All greetings. The opinion of conference on such question is interesting: there is an opinion, that if in your liked person you starts to irritate though any trifle (napr. As he cleans a teeth and t. Item) that it is possible to draw a conclusion, that the love has passed or has taken place. What do you think of it or this?

09.06.2004, 07:28
It seems to me is not present, here if that irritates becomes too much - that yes. All we not angels. Also does not happen so that we be touched to everything, that does or makes liked. It already on a marasmus or pink glasses or spots similar.

10.06.2004, 23:32
Yes, the love has passed or has taken place. More correctly, love or passion. However there is a hope, what is it the moment of check and a casting-off of an ideal image. Wait a little. If after this irritability there will be a new deep feeling to the person, probably, it was the moment of test. Know, each pair, probably, passes or takes place such tests. Badly that when they occur or happen, we do not know, what is it. Still. At women in fact such irritability can zavisit from cleanly physiological things. You approximately for yourselves remember, when you so were irritated, and then look or see, whether there will be following such flash approximately in a month? If so, all problem in your character, etc. instead of in attitudes or relations with the person.:)

12.06.2004, 08:12
And - to mine, it is not necessary iz-for it or this tsiklitsja. Attitudes or relations in a general sense can be described a wavy line. Horosho-huzhe-ploho-luchshe-it is again good and. d.. And all time well cannot be, differently is not appreciated.
It is not necessary to speak, that the love is not present more, if there are no more "weighty" problems. tusja has correctly told or said.

13.06.2004, 10:13
It seems to me, that each girl within one month has days when and everyone enrage all and irritate. I write off or copy on it.

14.06.2004, 17:01
Thanks for responses. Know, at the moment at me with my young man such does not arise. Simply one of these days I discussed this subject with the girlfriend. I have some all - to another. From the very beginning of our attitudes or relations I did not feel feeling of ardent love (though to me then only it was executed 17). Now we together 4 years. Since the second year our attitudes or relations send or have passed to new higher step. Secrets (in global sense) at us from each other are not present. In all we show tenderness and support under the attitude or relation to each other. Recently in me the idea that I it or him very much appreciate that he suffers or bears my disadvantages was distinctly generated. In me, certainly, it is a lot of advantages (fidelity, honesty, decency, tenderness and t. Item), but I nevertheless on a gift. He my most close and unique person to whom I can rassazat all (all the pavors and experiences, all "runs" when I looked or appeared silly, all...) But here I do not test ardent love and passion to it or him;them, this any deep feeling, whether but love?. How to understand feelings?

15.06.2004, 07:50
Ask to itself a question: whether there is on light someone better it or him? (not in global sense, and for you) If you will respond, that is not present, it vse-taki love, simply quiet and silent. But if you think, that your prince gde-still ferments that and continue to hope for an occurring with it or him hardly your feelings to your friend are too deep.

16.06.2004, 19:25
Know, Inga, mine to you advice or council: if you to the person of road also can devorit to him everything be with it or him. So it is difficult to find the reliable person. But, I think also, that if kogda-nibud you will meet the person to whom you will test that strong feeling about which now write, that it or him is not present, All of you will break off. And so, very much I advise on the example: let all will be, as is. Probably then kogda-nibud if something in your life will change, you will recollect this person, as more all liked you. In this life always so: we either like, or we accept someone's love. And more speak: the attitudes or relations which have fastened in a youth, the strongest. Because people remember each other young and naive and, probably, like even here this memoirs.

The anonym
17.06.2004, 22:11
In general so speak, in practice it is very quite good to help or assist each other and to prompt what not so it is made, accurately, gently and unostentatiously:-) It is possible also to look or see in a mirror as you clean zubki itself... But if irritates on any trifles, means poorly similar on love, attitudes or relations of have settled or exhausted: - (

19.06.2004, 13:18
To me surrenders, that the word "love" became any
Ordinary. And many it or this a word name all that
It is necessary, only not LOVE.
The present or true LOVE - as mother likes that
- he nothing has made the newborn baby, he
It is helpless, efforts are connected with it or him so much. But he
It is the present or true UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Often parents with
With time replace it or her with care, trouble,
Feeling of fault - which only connect or bind the person. And
The present or true UNCONDITIONAL LOVE lifts on
Top of the one whom you like. There, at this top-
Is not present mestakakim-that to fine details (well it is not pleasant as
He cleans a teeth - do not look at this protsees and all!)
The LOVE does not mean, that you will be
To alter the person, to impose to him the will and
Habits. He such what is. You can like - like,
You can not - do not like. It is possible even to live thus
Together gradually poisoning a life each other
Cavils and squabbles. But in this case HAPPINESS not
Will be. Learn TO LIKE girls, and be happy!

The woman
20.06.2004, 06:40
It is the best variant for marriage or spoilage. Is better the husband hardly can be found. Only it is necessary to freshen sometimes attitudes or relations with what nibud ideas if becomes skushno. But here so - or the good husband, or you with it or him it is cheerful and superinteresno, the truth not for long. It seems to me, that at this age very easily people get used to each other and become reliable partners. And tenderness and respect is and there is that, in what in due course should pererasti attitudes or relations in marriage or spoilage for its or his durability. Often as a word "Love" understand infatuation. But she not always leads to the strong union. However, the some people find charm in that all life " to burn a dark blue flame ", to not suffer from boredom and to be unfortunate... But it not for me..