Просмотр полной версии : Question, first of all, to dear Alexey Evgenevichu! Last night I at...

30.05.2004, 23:04
Question, first of all, to dear Alexey Evgenevichu!
Last night I have learned or have found out, that my liked person periodically uses girls on a call - and, not only when I on a trip (let even short), but also even when I at home, inventing different pretexts. It can be understood, when you live already for a long time, all prielos, or is not glued, etc. But the matter is that we had such rough love, he has left from the wife... And only recently we had a serious conversation (after large quarrel), that he likes me, with me plans all daln. A life, that I - its or his best sex. The partner, etc. About the last, by the way, I, without false modesty in it believe, because more likely, it he always is a little more constrained, than I, am necessary to him of sex basically (at least, until recently and was) less. And he always knew, that I very much like it or him, and by way of sex I, that is called, " open-minded ", is ready to support or maintain any imagination, and certainly, not I shall or refuse, or above something to chuckle, be dissatisfied - never it or this did or made. Simply I shall not understand, what's the matter. Simply knowing besides, that he is a person prevented at job, and sex for it or him always was on the second, if not the tenth plan, after beer, friends, the child, a bicycle...
I could expect in everything "podstavy", but only not in it or this. I do not think, that he wished "to have a rest" from me because I without problems release or let off it or him " with spending the night " to friends, on a bicycle, anywhere, therefore sex at us not so often - to have a rest there is nothing. Why??????? The Variant that can, he wanted something will learn, that it is more to satisfy of me (as to me someone has told or said) - I doubt, because, vo-the first, he greedy enough that for it to pay, and in the second, he the big egoist that on such things to go for the sake of me.

01.06.2004, 03:03
And he uses these services one, or with
Friends? If with friends - that, can, it is simple
Attempt to not strike in a mud the face before them? Success.

The anonym
02.06.2004, 11:30
Egoist-kolobok: from the wife has left, from you and for a long time I shall leave...

The mouse
03.06.2004, 13:09
Your liked person lives only for sebja-liked. The variant of the Realist is possible or probable, but doubtful. There is a whole category of the men, using girls on a call, living with wives, beloveds. zatsiklennye on themselves people who have got used to take only and give it (in the moral plan) very little. He considers or counts, that its or his occurrings with girls cannot affect or influence your attitudes or relations in any way. And as to sex be you even most super-puper, nothing will change it. Most likely he to you changed from the very beginning of attitudes or relations (in the beginning sex happens often, and then...))) To make here anything is impossible, has not carried to you, I sympathize. Not without reason speak: " you know Less, you sleep " more strong. And in general look at a problem easier, too many men change, that in it or this to go in cycles. Try to not think of it or this, tell or say to itself, that it or this simply is not present.

04.06.2004, 01:01
The mouse and how to be with safety - I yesterday have simply disdained with it or him to make love... And then a problem still that he on menja-that often cannot find time: " tomorrow early to rise ", " yesterday already was ", " the day after tomorrow I leave with friends "... Personally sex from it or him always did not suffice me (not quality, and quantity or amount), and earlier he was not engaged in it or this of 100 % to-th. I simply KNOW.

The mouse
04.06.2004, 03:11
Yes... You have puzzled me. Sudju on all at you a problem not only with its or his changes. To your question on sex I can not respond, because not knowing the person it is impossible to judge its or his cleanliness. But there is other important problem. Similar, that your liked person zakonchenyj the egoist and you cost or stand in the extremity or end of the long list after job, friends, a bicycle, etc. Same it is humiliating! Whether ask to itself a question really this person you likes or he has simply got used also to him conveniently? Whether you can live with this person, knowing about its or his changes, considering what its or his attitude or relation to you leaves much to be desired? Here that is still very important, how much you are familiar with it or him: if there is more than year - that all is bad enough.

04.06.2004, 20:10
Here for the same behaviour, all my family suited to my thirty-year brother (which zhenat on the perfect clever and kind woman, which rastit to him the one-year-old son) full boycott. That is until recently, when he has not much come to the senses and began to behave more less decently. Anybody did not talk to it or him, including native mother. It or him simply ignored.
Olga, with prostitutes cattles sleep only, on that, what is it first of all a mud. He thinks only of itself(himself), isovershenno it is not considered with your feelings and, that the most important, does not respect with YOU. If YOU with this essence, are not connected or bound by children, or financial dependence, leave from it or him. Has put certainly yours, but uvyazhajushchaja itself the woman never will allow the muzhik which one day before fucked the dirty prostitute to touch itself. By the way some kinds of diseases even through kisses and oral sex are passed. YOU deserve greater. And if to it or this what he sexly does not satisfy YOU is added for that you wait?
JUlja, the wife of my brother tried to suffer or bear what that time and as here have advised, to pretend, that it or this is not present. Now she cries and speaks, " the silly woman was. .dumala will pass or take place. .dumala perebesitsja. .kuda I now without job and with the child? " Do not lead up before.

05.06.2004, 10:27
He the egoist not because has the nerve to sleep with prostitutes, no, here has put at all in sex. The AUTHORITY and IRRESPONSIBILITY is necessary to him. With All of you it is more complex or difficult - about you it is necessary to care, think, divide or share;part burden of works and the responsibility. And with paid girls he catches kajf from full, boundless irresponsibility: they are obliged to take care of all. He revenges you, the former wife and t. Item for your insistence and adherence to principles. Send ege to hell!!! (or to shalavam!)

06.06.2004, 04:37
Soglasna s LSI. Plus u menya slozhilos vpechatlenie, cho vi dominiruete v seksualnikh otnosheniyakh: i. e. vse znayu, vse mogu, ko vsemu gotova. Eto mozet podsoznatelno formirovat u nego kompleksi, cho ne on tut khozyain. S devochkami on bolee raskreposhen and mozhet pochuvstvovat sebya krutum, a ne uchenikom. Vpolne veroyatno, cho polzuetsya vashimi urokami, no uze v roli uchitelya.

07.06.2004, 19:07
LSI it agree with you... .vo all.
Oksana, partly you it is probable and are right, but whether it seems to YOU, what is it all the same not the occasion to go to prostitutes, and does not justify this person?

08.06.2004, 03:39
Why prostitutes it is a mud? And time began to use their services only recently, something means has pushed. Can, he "is afraid" of you in bed? How much well you know it or him? Can you it or him on samam business does not know in general, and think, what know well? Such happens. And even in business certainly does not concern, but for what you in general it or him ljubite-that? He is necessary to you? For all your letter there is no positive word about that?

Oksana - Shanteli
08.06.2004, 06:50
We are not here to judge what is good or bad, as it is common sense and for everyone it is personal issue. I am simply give possible alternatives, as Olga wants to know POCHEMU??? (if you have read the meassage attentively).

08.06.2004, 15:10
As to YOU to tell or say Vick, can be if at us in the country it would be legalized, they would pass or take place medical examination each two weeks, and would look or appear - more decently. That it still as could be understood that. Though personally for me the woman which sleeps with muzhiks for money always will be dirty. It is vile... And them it is sincerely a pity to me of these girls. And the man which buys the woman for money simply undersigns under ascertaining of that he cannot find to itself(himself) the girl which it or him liked not for money. In fact not the love is necessary to them, it is necessary for them trahnutsja. .nu as in a toilet to descend or go. AK prostitutes, forgive or excuse, carry out a role of this toilet, here on that and dirty.

09.06.2004, 12:42
It is that case when the reasons happened have no value or meaning;importance. All can be forgiven or excused, justified and begun on new, it is necessary only the nobility navernika FOR THE SAKE OF WHAT.. If will find this powerful reason WHAT FOR to YOU IT it is necessary, safely get down to business.
My such opinion.

10.06.2004, 22:05
Vick, it is very correctly told or said. I can add still, that the LOVE forgives all (though far not all forgets) but then when she mutual...

12.06.2004, 00:52
Vick, to me probably, it is simply complex or difficult to pick up today positive words about itself as I now in it or this doubt. If you mean - 2 "," the egoist " is only ascertaining of the fact that it was easier to you than it or him to present. I such accept it or him and I like. Usually you like not for a set of positive qualities, and it simply is. About "majorant" in bed - partly you are right, because I from the very beginning tried to avoid it or this. Yes, at me was a little bit more experience - and even more likely not experience, and internal raskreposhchennosti, and I anyhow tried to bring it or him besides. But recently I do not want and I do not behave so - we have already enough got used temperaments. And can be, to him just it and has ceased it is pleasant? Can to him and it was pleasant, what I all over again was ahead a little, and now I want on the contrary? Simply I and the truth do not know what to do or make further. If it was 1 time, casually when I in holiday or we in quarrel am a nonsense, menjaby it has touched, but no more. And as it not first time, at my "presence", and especially after very large conflict (the truth, serious, but not on similar subjects, and on subjects dalneshego coexistences) when I have taken away things, and he has begged me to forgive or excuse... I and so hardly again like trust. The love forgives all - absolutely agrees. I am ready to forgive or excuse without questions if the nobility, what is it - a single instance, was the weighty reason, but I simply now am very lost - and the truth of it or this did not expect. I know almost for certain a source - its or his close friend constantly uses such girls, but at it or him and the truth greater or big problems with private life. Happens so - the excellent or different guy, not the ladies' man or the adventurer, but such here " an eternal bachelor " to full absence of an opportunity of sex with the constant girl. But tot-that is clear - a bachelor with the experience, to him is simple there is nobody, and to mine that? For the company, certainly, it is possible to descend or go time - to have a good time " - muzhski ". But when one goes, on silent...

12.06.2004, 14:48
Olga, I you in a forehead did not ask it or him why he so acts? Tell or say to him, that so cannot proceed further and, that with this situation it is necessary to understand. If you to him of road and he does not wish you to lose that from informal conversation to refuse should not.

14.06.2004, 00:28
SHantel - it is fair? I am afraid and I do not want razborok. I shall explain. Simply we one time (before this large quarrel) constantly had disassemblies and findings-out of attitudes or relations, and, were initiated by me, as he the person quieter and weight in itself. It turned out, that he did or made, and I started to find out attitudes or relations. And I simply already am afraid to look or appear before it or him the such scandalous woman and the hysteric woman. As after last conflict has passed or has taken place only 2 3 weeks (let and on other subject). I even shall tell or say more - I suspected one time, that with the former wife there still " not all " as he all do not get divorced. Now I have already absolutely calmed down on this bill - even if suddenly there will be and not everything, it does not depend on me. And he now will tell or say: " Well here, now you have started others to suspect, the jealous hysteric woman " has got to me. In something he will be right, therefore simply I am afraid.

14.06.2004, 07:38
Well to not arrange what for at all to him istriku. .mozhet it is possible to try to put easy and coldly it or him before the fact of that you know about its or his adventures, and to tell or say. That you would like ulduchshit your attitudes or relations, and at its or his visiting places of tolerance it is not possible or probable, on it or this you would like to learn or find out that it or him compels or forces to address to services of selling love, and that both of you can undertake to cope with these problems. Apparently between you there is no trust. On this slippery base it is complex or difficult to build will construct attitudes or relations which to last. And how you in general have learned or have found out about change?

15.06.2004, 04:52
Yes, as parodoksalno - the trust is not present. And he simply in itself such - closed, and to me does not open at all (what that secret dreams, and on any trifle), and I - because he all is silent, and attitudes or relations are periodically heated, and he of anything never explains, simply does or makes that considers it necessary.
And I have learned or have found out, fairly, not in the most decent image. Kak-that casually I have called to him at night on cellular, and all is borrowed and borrowed or occupied and borrowed;borrowed and occupied;occupied and occupied from it or him (I simply I know, that he has nobody to stir or chatter at this time). And I, been surprised, have simply looked or seen statistics of proceeding calls on its or his phone, itself have tried to call, learn or call, find out, that for numbers or rooms unfamiliar, yes all at night, and then have simply received acknowledgement or confirmation from the friend, that, when and how much.

16.06.2004, 18:07
Olga, is very complex or difficult situation. If it is fair, I sincerely sympathize with YOU, that you probably now feel yourselves at all in the best image. And in general to live with the person which does not admit you to itself probably udovolstve small. Olga, it certainly at all my business, whether but so he is necessary to YOU how it seems to YOU? If he behaves now so, what guarantees, what he in general when nibud ishchmenitsja? And to live near to the person which it is fenced off from you an invisible wall all the same what to live one, moreover all time will feel inside of itself chervjachok doubts which you to gnaw. Reconsider the view on these attitudes or relations, whether so they are necessary to YOU?

Bobrov A.E.
17.06.2004, 08:03
Some men believe, that the love is a love, and sex is a sex. And one can be not connected with another. Therefore and "girls" - like as well as not change. The psychological reasons for such perception set, also I do not think, that I should be spoken about it or this now. BUT the fact - is the fact. Thus have in view of, that the addicting of your friend for "girls" not is the certificate of any your disadvantages. Most likely he psychologically requires some experiences which are delivered to him by these maidens. I am afraid, that you cannot give him it or this. Just because like. I believe also, that the decision on the given question - behind it or him. Either to vary, or to remain in loneliness. Or to find the woman who "will understand" and "will forgive" or excuse". (he Can just it or this from you secretly and expects?)

18.06.2004, 02:26
Do not complicate a situation, you here at anything) it it is simple to him are necessary fresh emotsii-not absolutely that plan which he scoops in your mutual relations. Can, too all horosho-is required to him sensation... nu-not muds, and, we shall tell or say tak-sinfulnesses?)))

19.06.2004, 08:35
By the way, I shall add. Here you govorite-he from the wife has left. And in fact this your weapon has turned against vas-there are pogovorka-on light few women who are not fooled around, and absolutely there are no the women changed once.)) here the same concerns and to men))) Now you for the wife, and to "wife" - he changes.