Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I do not know, whether it concerns to your heading, but respond...

18.06.2004, 05:06
I do not know, whether it concerns to your heading, but respond, please, to my question. Every night after wedding dreams began to dream me. It proceeds 7 months. I rise absolutely broken in the morning. How with it or this to consult? Advise something.

Bobrov A.E.
18.06.2004, 11:21
Dreams often carry out adapting function. They help or assist the person to get used to a new situation, to find a new social role. I think, that your dreamings also are caused by it or this. But to help or assist it is necessary to study or investigate your life and those circumstances, in which you as a result of a marriage okazali. Try to pay to this attention and solve, that you does not arrange, or that does not suffice you.

19.06.2004, 00:55
Hello, with what the memory impairment and attention can be connected??? Recently, it is very difficult to me to concentrate on chyom-or, I sometimes should re-read one offer several times what to understand sense. Tried to be engaged in meditation, anything..... .postojanno there is any train of thought, but it it is possible to name more likely "hum", instead of ideas.