Просмотр полной версии : Hello g-n Beavers. I already asked a question in occasion of my son. To him 2...

16.06.2004, 20:02
Hello g-n Beavers. I already asked a question in occasion of my son. To him of 29 years. Twelve years he is ill or sick. The diagnosis - F20. 00. Tell or say, whether there can be at the person a schizophrenia without hallucinations and crazy ideas. Besides we with it or him do not have conflicts. How to enter such situation - whether it is necessary to prosecute a subjects on change of the diagnosis, etc. In advance I thank.

Bobrov A.E.
18.06.2004, 10:16
Basically happens t. n. The "simple" form of a schizophrenia, harakteriuzjushchajasja such current (without delirium and hallucinations). The flaccid schizophrenia "is not cancelled" also. Therefore the diagnosis at your son can be exposed obosnovanno. The question on putting off or taking out of this diagnosis should be lifted, if you consider or count, that he seriously and excessively limits the civil rights of your son. In other case I think what to struggle for its or his putting off or taking out of sense has no. Nevertheless free treatment (in case of need), and also some privileges (the living space, a fare, physical inability) can appear not out of place even presently. Certainly, is also the psychological party or side has put. But its or her importance eventually decreases. In general all should be solved in view of a concrete situation.