Просмотр полной версии : I now all in razdrae. I worked at two jobs, on the basic, here I at...

30.05.2004, 05:43
I now all in razdrae. I worked at two jobs, on the basic, here I have come after institute and vobshchem here I "like a duck to water", but the salary rather poor or scanty, therefore has found podrabotku as at the basic job I have still a superfluous day off besides Saturday and Sundays. Several months ago has lost podrabotku, have dismissed on grounds of redundancy, part-time workers in such cases dismiss first of all. Money began to not suffice. Has placed the resume on sites on the Internet searching or other job or podrabotku. And here yesterday was on interview, I approach or suit them both on education and on an operational experience, me take. The salary in three and a half of time more present plus a free-of-charge delivery. But to reach to me this job 1, 5 hours if it is no more.
If now I leave the house in 9 30 (having fed and having sent a daughter in institute, the husband on job) and I come home in 18 30, moreover coming on a return way to shop at new job I shall leave in 7 30 and to come in 20 ch. But money very good, job new to me, but I think, that I shall consult. And here, if I shall leave, very much I shall bring collective. What advise?

01.06.2004, 08:52
Lena, solve for itself - that to you more important: good highly paid job or your former colleagues?
By the way, and in what consists " I shall bring collective " - not so clearly, that you have in view of...
The factor of time - is important, if to you will be serious at such schedule also job will not seem in pleasure...))) though you know, many people come to Moscow, for example, from Moscow suburbs, spend for road on 1, 5 - 2 hours. At me the girl-friend went on job from Moscow suburbs earlier - so she rose in 6.00, that on job to get (that z/p was very small) and anything - consulted...

04.06.2004, 10:55
Elena I can tell or say to you, that if you valued at old job necessarily would lift z/p, all of us the small salary always is fine known pushes to an idea to find new job. Many and sit for copecks and are justified by that that are necessary to collective, etc., and you the good fellow were typed or collected boldness and have thrown the resume, to you has carried that you have found job well paid, some years search and does not carry. So forward also do not reflect, in fact to you so has had luck.

06.06.2004, 19:46
The salary to me raise or increase here at all desire cannot, t. To. It budzhetnaja the organization. And I shall bring collective here in what. In our department that normally should function to be 4 persons, and now two and a half: my manager, I (its or her right arm or hand) and the pensioner part time. If I shall leave there will be a manager with this pensioner who, by the way never on the full rate will pass and works only from September till April, t. e. In the summer the manager remains one and I do not represent as she in otpusk-that will leave. To find to me replacement very much trudno-demands high, and the salary small though there is pljus-a superfluous day off during a week and the seven-hour working day.
More shortly, conscience excruciates.

08.06.2004, 20:13
Elena, daughter at you not so small. The good clothes, etc. and when she to you will be cried for certain is required to her, that at it or her are not present decent odezhke on a visit or there will be no meal in refrigeration cabinets conscience for it will not hurt or not be ill;not be sick your employees. And on the bill excruciates conscience, let you does not disturb, t. To. Not zamenimyh people are not present, and necessarily there will be a person who will be ready to work for these pennies " Piously a place is empty does not happen ".

11.06.2004, 03:25
Vo-the first, irreplaceable people are not present, will take the student, vo-the second, the feeling samorealizovannosti and self-sufficiency still stirred or prevented nobody, v-the third, getting acquainted with new people, ourselves new experience that brings in ourselves any changes, v-the fourth is got, you are obliged by nothing to "old" collective if colleagues respect with you, they for you only will be glad or pleased, if will envy and will begin with reproaches in a back to look, and there is nothing to lose to you. V-the fifth, with more busy schedule of job you have an opportunity to experience care not only of someone (the husband, the daughter), but also about yourselves. What prevents dochke-most to make to the student to itself a breakfast, but also mum to please with a supper? Dare!

14.06.2004, 23:23
All thanks for support. Business, probably, also in me. I not the psychologist, but feel, that simply I am afraid of changes and it is necessary to admit it or this to myself.
Understand, I here work 16 years, have come right after institute, have taken on acquaintance, despite of the small child. Here for these years all became native, but you pravy-the daughter needs to put on well, and me too. And then the husband civil, certainly, helps or assists me, but vse-peerly money does not suffice, t. e. Suffices on rather economical existence. It is necessary to solve, and at me already the head was ill because of nerves and shakes all. Well and the loony I:-)))

Shimanskij O.I.
17.06.2004, 23:58
Dear Elena! It seems to me, you have already made for yourselves the decision, but search for supports at those who thinks as. If you think, that new job will help or assist you to realize better itself and to lift the incomes concern to former as to the important stage in the life which, as well as other stages, kogda-that should come to the end.