Просмотр полной версии : Mine muzh-the workaholic. It is the diagnosis. At us class family, completely and all about...

06.06.2004, 06:37
Mine muzh-the workaholic. It is the diagnosis. At us the class family, completely and all provided, seemed by-greater and to wish it is not necessary. But it or him constantly is not present series. And he the decent or considerable person, is not greedy for women and entertainments, does not leave in drinking-bouts and zaguly. He comes late, sober, phone calls, not stopping, at a dawn he leaves, rpavda voskresene-the sacred day allocated for family. pozhaljsta, respond, at whom the same situation as you perceive it as due or struggle kak-that and than borrow or occupy a heap of the free time.

06.06.2004, 09:27
Situation same. Often is late at job, often leaves there in one of days off...
To struggle with it or this... He will twitch, be nervous, those rare or infrequent hours when with me, to spend in disassemblies. For that it is necessary? I simply try to realize, what on-the getter in family (well, it would be better that he all the day in a ceiling spat, laying on a sofa and smiling to me?) too, probably, would get. The man should be grasped by any big idea, I very much like its or his this quality. Besides this employment relieves women of other problems: does not go on the left, does not drink, does not sit in garage with friends. And what its or his all time is not present series, whether so is a lot of we from them we want?
Heaps of a free time at me are not present. The child with its or his lessons and mugs or circles, the house, study (should hand over some examinations to get good job). There is no time to miss, problems of such character arise then when the woman is not borrowed or occupied. Then she especially is jealous the man of everything, that tears off it or him from family and suffers from it or this. The man it is impossible to hold all time at the skirt, he should not feel adhered, but it is necessary to not allow to its or his this freedom to pass in alienation, from time to time reminding nevertheless and about itself.

06.06.2004, 12:02
Nastja, Ljubu it is possible to listen, but for itself to draw conclusions personally the : to men to trust on all to hundred itself in harm! Today job, tomorrow can appear a skirt, we know, passed or took place... Then very painfully and late to think Of MAN'S GREATER or BIG IDEAS!
Be more tender, but also it is cleverer, t. e. Do not take on belief over " great qualities ", try to be to him not only the wife, but also the friend. Successes and happiness!

07.06.2004, 02:14
Nastja, many, very much many women would envy you. Your husband the hard worker, feeds you, is correct to you and Sunday - sacred day for family! Appreciate the happiness. And if will find to itself job or business on interest, will be even happier.

08.06.2004, 01:14
Dear Nastja, I shall risk to assume, that a problem not in itself, and in you. Probably, you were not realized, do not feel yourself necessary and secretly envy the husband

Lena (suffered)
08.06.2004, 20:57
Ridiculously to listen to advice or councils, how to save family happiness from the person, not managed it or him to save.

10.06.2004, 10:36
Eh, where she - a golden mean... The husband will not alter, with such job an infarct - tut-kak-here (!), be vigilant! But!! You need to organize for itself job! Children are not present? Apparently. Otherwise, whence "heaps"?
Go on courses of designers, it gde-that thousand three dollars, or get or start the child (the first, the second), " descend or go in people ", try on it on itself...

11.06.2004, 00:48
And I work with muzhem-the workaholic at one job and I see all day long and questions do not arise says lies or does not say lies - witnesses a heap)))) and to become bored or miss I am not in time.

The anonym
11.06.2004, 12:30
. --.---. I.

To Lena!
12.06.2004, 03:48
And you, detochka, dare and listen, perhaps it is useful! There Are men for whom simply it is not necessary happiness, well not zerzhat such teeth? How you consider or count?

12.06.2004, 07:48
Nastja to answer a question " than to borrow or occupy a heap of the free time ", anybody except for you responds on can. In fact all people different. Komu-someone is pleasant sports, someone - music, and someone so is keen by the job that does not require a hobby. But something interesting to borrow or occupy is necessary. Anything so perniciously does not act on mentality, as idleness, while interesting job or a hobby - powerful or potent protection against stress. Success

12.06.2004, 10:02
jimmy, you the woman?

14.06.2004, 01:36
And here " to borrow or occupy itself "? It would be desirable to communicate with the husband! Children, girlfriends, job, a hobby - all this does not replace, and supplements. Here my husband for example for four years, that we together, has never spent with me holiday (he does not go at all to holiday), I do not remember any ujk-enda that we have spent together, for all this time can be days five (in the sum) he has devoted entirely to me!!! You represent it to yourselves?! Works since morning till the night (and at night happens too). And even if he does not need to go anywhere, he all the same will find the reason to leave in target, though shop, though in car-care center, though the devil only knows where. Think, I am happy? To me to eat than borrow or occupy, I work much and I bring up the child, but unless we on the present are close. To me it is now very bad, we began to quarrel often and most likely eventually we shall miss. On-that speaks, that likes me, but I do not receive from that our union, that it is necessary for me. Excuse, for a sincere striptease. Has become painful.

15.06.2004, 13:14
Nastja, appreciate the happiness and not gnevite the God. Or you would prefer to work for a two and to feed the husband of the idler? "To struggle", you ask? It is not necessary to do or make it or this. For the man very important samoutverzhdatsja through job (this or thus one of cardinal differences of man's and female psychology). It agree with Egor, business not that the husband is borrowed or occupied, and that you are insufficiently borrowed or occupied.

16.06.2004, 22:01
At me similar sufferings, but my husband vsezhe recognizes that " something not so ", to not alter it or him yes I and am not going to, here and we live. Advice or council is simple, I shall repeat here with many, borrow or occupy soboj-the hairdresser or barber, shaping, girlfriends, by the way hand over on the rights, on tushinskom a field teach zkstremalnoe driving. (remember bad husbands (lentjaev, drunkards, swines which do not respect with the wives) much more than trudjag and hard workers even such. Calm down sigh look or see in a mirror and forward... .ot all soul I wish composure, do not struggle if only softly slightly directing or referring in the bed or channel necessary to you. I wish good luck.

17.06.2004, 18:40
I terribly would be nervous, very much with you I sympathize, in fact the love and friendship demand time! Also I think, that he leaves if only where, not because you bad, that is why that the equipments or installations such: the family is, the wife at business, the child is created... Though, why this time to not spend together? Without affinity and heat - feeling ushcherbnosti, uselessness...