Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I shall be brief. Has met the guy on the Internet from my city....

13.06.2004, 21:52
Hello. I shall be brief. Has met the guy on the Internet from my city. Communicated and have met. At correspondence very much drug-to the friend liked that we can speak on any subjects, were spiritually close. Too most was after an occurring. He has fallen in love with me. And I...... He very much is pleasant to me. I very much would wish to have such spouse as he. He is more senior than me for 7 years. To me 16. Can, the matter is that I have got used to my coevals. I miss it or him, and when he series to it or him;them does not pull me... What's the matter? I do not want, that he suffered.

Well here
15.06.2004, 01:49
It not yours. It is necessary softly so... In storonochku...

15.06.2004, 11:42
It seems to me, you are still too young and cannot understand yourself itself... Float while on current and trust in the man - he is more skilled than you. And to leave it is possible at any time...

Nikolay Durmanov
16.06.2004, 16:37
It very much a greater or big difference in the age of, anything good will not leave

17.06.2004, 17:27
Do not confuse, the girl, the imaginations with a reality and all will rise on the places: your overage interlocutor remains in not those, and your sex needs or requirements will be satisfied by whom nibud another, less talkative and not suitable under clause or article for seduction juvenile.