Просмотр полной версии : Huch, in the first, check up koshelku. Vo-vtoryh-you taki do not like women. But d...

06.06.2004, 19:32
Huch, in the first, check up koshelku. Vo-vtoryh-you taki do not like women. But you think, that you like. Be not upset, I too do not like men. Such as my-millions. It is necessary to like too to be able. You know, not such ljubovju-to embrace and zadushit-to that it it is necessary?) it is simply good, that you have reflected on it or this, a first step something izmenit-it to understand. Here I now usilenno am engaged in that I try to recollect how eto-to like men. When to me was years five, I very much ljubila-by the way that you knew, it is necessary to like them as in five let-that physical was not primarily. And you znaesh-result very much zameten-they go, as... Rats behind a pipe (you see, not up to the extremity or end has still loved, time so I speak). So it brings quite oshchutimye results)))

08.06.2004, 04:24
The herring has started talking about love to mankind, big and pure or clean - nothing happens, at you that's all right? To like all - means to not like anybody. It is egoism, passion to udavolstvijam, skill to take and, it would be desirable nadejatsja, to give.

09.06.2004, 03:04
Calibre, you do not understand, about what I govrju. Well, time I wish to change something, means, it does not arrange me. And why I cannot start talking about ljubvi-but not to mankind, and to men?)) I in fact actually do not like them... In all sincerity. And to like it is necessary always from pure or clean.

09.06.2004, 07:01
Mail already works for me for a long time pop, on vebovskuju I forget to come, I have more than these boxes than money.) I not that have not received, write on this kasholka@takas. lt address

09.06.2004, 21:43
I repeat, for those who in the tank: check up koshelku.

11.06.2004, 12:17
Good, the Herring, izvini-those. Easier question so teoreretichesky - I like or I do not like men - they can to like or be not liked, but to live without them it is absolutely impossible... Unfortunately.

11.06.2004, 22:27
)) has not driven... byvat, it after a deep dream.

12.06.2004, 05:33
The calibre, one business to live "with". Another delo-as. Qualities cannot be, if it not organic need or requirement, and I speak not about physical aspect, I speak about otnoshenii-indulgent, friendly))) goods)))) - if hotite-I shall not be afraid of this word. I adore Rut Dikson-this thing should read through everyone who though a little malski wants that its or his life differed from bestial.

13.06.2004, 09:54
The calibre, one business to live "with". Another delo-as. Qualities cannot be, if it not organic need or requirement, and I speak not about physical aspect, I speak about otnoshenii-indulgent, friendly))) goods)))) - if hotite-I shall not be afraid of this word. I adore Rut Dikson-this thing should read through everyone who though a little malski wants that its or his life differed from bestial. There about it or this just also it is written. Very much I recommend)

14.06.2004, 14:48
And, it, appears, longly to drive is necessary) Check up mail on kasholka@takas. lt. So is more clear?))))

15.06.2004, 21:40
Too difficultly for me... Excuse for ignorance, who such Rut Dickson? Not psihologinja, I hope? Also what for a thing?

16.06.2004, 19:16
Rut Dickson, the simple American woman, with rich vital and sex experience which, however, has achieved qualitative attitudes or relations with an opposite floor having developed own system as before she was the person rather problem. Writes obaldenno, humour at all amerikanskij-even is simple so to esteem pleasantly. Not speaking already about obvious advantage or benefit for both floors. In general, if to read between lines and to develop an idea it is possible to achieve much not only in sex sphere..... Yes, first time the book has left under the name " the Man for the woman ", but then the name has been changed on " be not afraid of love ". In fact people most of all want it or this, and most of all are afraid... And the life passes or takes place)

17.06.2004, 02:52
And I, apparently, have understood. Nonsense of all this, the Herring. Childishness, desire epatirovat. The organic need or requirement for an opposite floor or field is incorporated in genes. What for it to isolate or exarticulate and comprehend? If it or her was not, your place would wait for you in hospital or in kele a monastery.

17.06.2004, 10:09
You have not understood anything. More shortly, not hochesh-it is not necessary. Can and really, you and so it is good.

17.06.2004, 13:53
If an occurring this book - I shall read through necessarily.