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21.05.2004, 12:11
People!!!!! I burn..... Two days has passed or has taken place, not easier, heart is simple as itself of a mud on the sun and with each instant all to swing or pump more hardly and more hardly. And business was so: have washed a hut, not bad, not including its or her visitors from job, send or have come new children or guys, the person of 30 all have fed, have given a drink, spent, - all have remained are happy or enough. Has left its or her tired at night to sleep off, because I " breathe loudly, vorochijus and vashche ". In general, an old song. In the morning, without any claims has come, preliminary having glanced in douche, pobaltat, to roll about, put an arm or a hand on a breast, finally. As always: even do not think. Not in the first, have managed. The sonny 18 years or summer has come through mines 20, prilyog on the other hand has loafed about sing, has moved mum, at the same time and me.... On the edge or territory and here me has incured..... pochemu-that was recollected: its or her girlfriend has arrived from kanady with the husband (they helped or assisted her with emmigratsiej) told, how she carried on me and that I pay to the daughter almost everyday attention. And to that to me it or him was to give, if I have sent all, there was one, and last time because after departure nobody knows how much I still could see the daughter shall live and whether I shall see it or her still time. More shortly, doboltalas, that I almost @ with her. And here, at all thus sjusi-pusi with 18 years or summer obolduem in bed - to morning. Not important, let does or makes, that wants, but that you such correct for the others. Good, I easily appeased, have risen from bed, have left on a computer. Has not had time to charge or load konfu, obolduj has ridden in cowards and allow to breathe on me morning peregarom. papa-the daddy, you will change the drive of yard keepers by the machine or car?. I speak time: go wash, I speak two, on * has barked, that is has reached or cunning, was inflated and has gone to wash. That vremenm, I think, all peerly you sleep, I shall go a breakfast I shall make. While a breakfast delel, the wife was seized by a vacuum cleaner, chyoknutaja not it or this, cannot eat without an idea, that all floors are licked. Good, too have endured. Has made a breakfast, the blessing was from what after yesterday's: ikorki, olive, coffee for the wife, tea for the son, I approach or suit to artyomu, I ask, what tea, is silent, in a computer has rested, takes offence, five times has asked, silent. Have driven. Coffee has approached or suited, I speak, liked, coffee it is ready, throw I dopolesoshu after a breakfast, at that that the ladder in two prosummers has remained, where nobody goes. To her - to a drum or reel, speaks: leave in a coffee maker, I shall finish and I shall approach or suit. OK, means to my coffee to wait when she will approach or suit (she dekaf pyot, I simply to suffer or bear it or he hate). la-adno, have driven again. Are tightened for a breakfast, artyom without tyts-myts for a table, the wife to coffee, I just in a cup filled in it or him, speaks switch off a coffee maker. I open a mouth to tell or say, that I shall prepare myself now coffee, and a coffee maker in a regimen of heating, to her nothing will be, and she to me does not allow to open a mouth: switch off kafevarku-switch off kafevarku, in general, has driven. Here me the first time has lifted, has thrown a towel, has wished bon appetit, has gone to garage. Has departed slightly, metal otsuzhaet, especially when you do or make job, and then you understand, that 3 hours have passed or have taken place gift or for nothing, t. To. zapchast, you brought, does not work as it is necessary. I rise upward: all have eaten, all are happy or enough, the wife has relaxed at a TV set, obolduj is going to on gulki on friends, begs on travel. Mother speaks, that cash are not present, I give money, not having told or said words. Tomorrow school, the travel card - sacred business. Mother too recollects school, runs: what gulki, when school. That to her an old song: the first day, nothing is necessary. I pick up a march dvoechnika and I continue in its or his style. As it he does or makes last 4 years in hajke (hajskul): the first day, the first week, the first trimester and again - new. I remind, that has finished last year with 2 mja "F" and with refusal from frantsuzkogo. chustvuju approaches or drops in, that he, the stupid person, in the another's machine or car has climbed with friends was recollected also "to drive", that court soon, and this idiotka to take the lawyer does not want, because konstebl to her has told or said, that: as he such good also did not resist and has recognized the mistake or error will get off public jobs. And that that on itself krajm all life will hang, they do not understand, two at..., that the unique opportunity to reach or achieve execution or performance of its or his dream to fly only through army (well is not present at me $ 120.000 on the diploma of the pilot!), And her everything if only he series was, has woken up maternal love! That she liked it or him when krovatku it or him fractured or - nacham rises to it or him;them could not. I night worked night with it or him spent and so the first half a year, a diaper from * rma could not erase, it or her turned out, collected for all the day, I came from University, them otstiryval. Unimportantly, have again driven. I speak: do not stick to it or him;them, he already adult, give him green light, let he solves when, as where, 18 years already. I at its or his age already acted twice. Worked, married and to army has gone. She to him still something about school has told or said, and he to her in the answer: * gu to you also has gone downwards, here tut-that me and peremknulo: in dogonku has given podsrachnik, that he on a ladder all of proyears balanced, that on legs or foots to resist, slipping on a carpet, has selected money, having caught up on parking of the bus, has told or said, that if he such independent on. To send parents, let for the money and buys (all has peerly bought or purchased itself, only later). At it or her has shouted. First time for 20 years has told or said, that she bad bashkoj does not think about what has left in itself. Already the second day I burn also all worse and worse. And they cannot understand, what is it from them ottsom-pridurkom such happens. And there was that happens every day, only is not splashed out outside..... Well, family! Disassemble me - to ossicles or bonelets, tell or say, where it is wrong, tyknete * j in own * rmo, and that I shall burn down!!!!!

22.05.2004, 01:57
In, how much nakatal, and it became easier not, all peerly hurts...

Well here
23.05.2004, 03:42
Look or See vnpimatelno, how much you of nonsense of everyone ponapisal. Paosmotri-look or see. And then podumaj-how much at you nonsense in a head remains! (((a year I speak tebe-at you in head VINIGRET!

24.05.2004, 06:48
Dzhimmi, sensation, that you are simply strongly tired... It is impossible to save insults in itself - sooner or later it always results or brings either in failure, or to depression. If you have a contact to the wife - try, when you are able to, is quiet discuss with her become painful or sore that irritates you NOW, instead of that there were many years back. It is a unique constructive approach. And on the son to press already it is useless. He at that age when it is possible to influence the person only oposredovanno and power or force methods will lead to return result more likely.

25.05.2004, 18:19
And you that with a bottle of vodka on mine vinigret arise or at you in a head all - polochkam, and assotsiaj any during thinking, pictures from the past do not emerge at similar situations? If I one such here really it is time to me under exhaust., (

27.05.2004, 05:14
slyozki you I, are not present at me contact, has lost, when forty on a tail has brought to her, that I tr-* all life on the party or side, instead of was content with an once in 2 weeks of the house with the wife. There is no contact, simply is not present........

27.05.2004, 22:19
jimmy, I not family, but pochemu-that seems to me, that you very much grieve and mecheshsja from it or this. And the problem of fathers and children is eternal. Time will put you on one step. And still the friend or the girlfriend are necessary to you in reale-an Internet is rigid or severe...

Well here
28.05.2004, 12:55
And you che to be cried here prilez? Or really you consult on people? If sovetueshsja-that once again govorju-look or see at the literary trash and reduce it or her! ((it is necessary to inform an idea as much as possible clearly! Vinegret-because a heap of vegetables in not mixed sostojanii-in and at you in golove-a heap of immiscible positions without any ability to the analysis

29.05.2004, 10:59
Has read up up to half, a pancake... Jim brains female have got to you with strongly developed left hemisphere. .shuma it is a lot of, and to sense a little. Your dialogue, instantly breaks up to two monologue.

Well vot-Hrjushkinu
29.05.2004, 14:03
You not ponimaesh-where he in real will find such compassionate audience? Yes anywhere!

31.05.2004, 05:33
The uncle well here, you of that it so has become embittered? And Huch it is spiteful unreasonably. Well to do or make? And muzhiks sometimes in a prostration run:-)

01.06.2004, 09:00
vinigret not vinigret, and I have laid out all as drove in chronology and sensations. Under the book only in books, nanavut, and it is my life, consider or count, that you communicate with vinigretom. Only it is not necessary the general or common phrases if to tell or say there is nothing, please, very much I ask, and so toshno as after chemistry.

02.06.2004, 19:04
Then try to find indirect methods of influence, such that it was easier to you to transfer or carry coexistence, you it or him support or maintain time something. Also search for an outlet among the present or true friends in real.

Well here
03.06.2004, 21:10
Year! Hrjushkin-year I see this moaning! (((and any efficiency. Dalbshe will be here chto-sefchas and I and Huchila on it or him we shall throw out or we shall roll a portion sado-mazo and obtonizirovannyj dzhimnik all will jump inspired domoj-there in pink color in comparison with these or thus spiteful konferjanami...))) passed or took place already!

04.06.2004, 21:08
huch, it also was a monologue: cry scandalous in putstyne; hrjun, grieve, when is on itself or on what, at me is not present; nanavut, you are right, except for as here with boredom and from idleness anybody so will not listen to me. slyozki and how you think what for the person works at two jobs and there is no house for 5 days on end?

05.06.2004, 17:57
You are mistaken, do not throw out or do not roll - times, I shall not jump, because still at home - two, and in the fourth, all is peer to thanks... For nytyo, probably you are right, a cornet - that - the woman.

06.06.2004, 19:52
The uncle well here if everyone were such resolute and produktivnye-to GAI OFFICERS and to take from us it would be terrible:-)) I in MGUshnuju have come poseljatsja-at a door lomljus-open a hostel too like the muzhik with the made up eye sights or eyes, and another in a bed or cot behind its or his back with bantikom on bashke-in where problems are not present!!! So if all here wrote about the force, dexterity and besproblemnosti-about what we would gossip??:-)

07.06.2004, 19:41
jimmy, therefore also you grieve, what there is nothing to grieve!! I had it in view of! Such here a version. When on someone or pochemu-that, it is explainable and it is possible for something to undertake. And when the soul is broken off or lacerated lt bezyshodnosti-here it worst of all. And when the person slab-here then and on soap with a cord a view falls, and if still nobody will stop... Well I think, as ideas such will not arise and you will consult. Simply ask to itself a question: " Who I? ". Also respond.

09.06.2004, 02:31
And it is valid, a good question: who I? About myself I think as of the person, to which all already - to a drum or reel which plays with a life in prjatki, type: in, morning! Means still has not died, one more day means... The wife names luzerom because everything, that falls into in my arms or hand - should be destroyed, the son names the Mafiosi because all its or his friends are afraid of me, at job do not communicate or are not bound, because know, that I shall tear on a part if there will be - peryok to stand roads. So who I?

09.06.2004, 18:56
Here also respond:-))))

10.06.2004, 19:29
Would know prikup, would live in sochi though, for you young it is not so actual,)

Well here
11.06.2004, 15:58
aaaaa..... Has bothered! The same. It is uninteresting.

Probably - Hare Pljushevyj
12.06.2004, 05:40
I shall not advise You it is tired Sorrki, this all prohodjashche:)

12.06.2004, 11:32
nanavut, without insult, on patients do not take offence, on ovoshch especially if as the doctor you know who such ovoshch, I have noticed in you very much raspostranyonnuju feature for men if the problem or task is unsoluble or a situation deadlock they do or make a clever kind and pass to other level or in general retire. At that not first time, nanavut, I speak not to anger, and that from has seen as it it is looked, because that you and feel that can see, we shall tell or say KTO-SOMEONE another from - two greater or big differences (), even, if she is so clever to not demand an algophilia.

12.06.2004, 18:06
zajka, the matter is that weariness from a life, instead of from people, ljudi-that those which I like without which the life, basically, has no in general sense (if she is meaningful in general)., (