Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently there was an awful history, simply awful! I sat with...

06.06.2004, 20:36
Hello! Recently there was an awful history, simply awful! I sat with the beloved in kafe and we peacefully ate and drank or saw. And suddenly, I even itself did not expect it or this and did not want, I am loud rygnul on weigh a hall! All at us began to look and laugh, but I the truth unintentionally... It has turned out very loudly and oppositely. And now she with me does not talk and has thrown me iz-for it or this, and I like it or her and I wish to return! My attempts of reconciliation she ignores all. What to do or make?, I in fact like it or her!

09.06.2004, 08:01
Tell or Say to the girl, that in some countries
The good form considers loudly otrygnut as a token of
Gratitude to owners for tasty or delicious and plentiful
Dinner. At us so it is not accepted, but you are casual it
Has made. Anything, all will be settled!

09.06.2004, 23:45
If it is casual, and tell or say, really it is the reason for that what ratstavatsja

11.06.2004, 05:59
ZHenek, well do not experience, you so the darling! Simply she does not like you, that's all. To her so it is more convenient, like as now there is an occasion for rasstovanija. Though I consider or count, what is it silly! The liking person iz-for such trifles will not throw. And eslib you have got in a trouble, and happen, that - is worse, that 7 conclusions! We all people eventually that does not happen? And it is possible to understand and forgive or excuse all, as you sluchaj-it "is guilty" an organism which we cannot sometimes supervise. But another time try to restrain, therefore as at some persons, such things cause disgust.

13.06.2004, 13:06
You know, it seems to me, what is it simply occasion to finish or stop the attitude or relation. Strong attitudes or relations such nonsense not pokolebish. To you it is now bad. But you know that? At least, you know, how she concerns to you. The person liking iz-for it or this will not throw.

14.06.2004, 23:46
It will cause or call disgust in any normal person, and precisely you have ceased to raise or excite it or her.. Because she vse-time recollects this awful history. SO I think all naturally. I understand the girl.