Просмотр полной версии : Advise, what medicine to give or allow ours to 67 years or summer mother, that she not sp...

12.06.2004, 22:55
Advise, what medicine to give or allow ours to 67 years or summer mother that she did not hurry to die? It seems to me, that at it or her there has come or stepped depression, is cried by everything, that she is terribly lonely, nobody is necessary, that to her give attention a little, that already has made profit in this world, more shortly, has lost the usual optimism

14.06.2004, 04:07
Medicines will not help or assist. Advice or council psihologa-practice: find time your young still for mum simply more. Reduce it or her in theatre, on an exhibition, yes simply communicate with her. Discuss with her what that news, tell or say to her, that like it or her. It is not necessary zakarmlevat medicines. At this age and so it is enough of them. Success to you!

14.06.2004, 18:19
The medicine one is required: LOVE.