Просмотр полной версии : Thanks big for such prompt reply! I Am afraid, that it is necessary soznatsja which in...

14.06.2004, 13:37
Thanks big for such prompt reply! I Am afraid, that it is necessary soznatsja which in what. I wanted, having described signs to check up the suspicions. And you have confirmed them, eto-the first. The second - I study at psychological faculty (3 course), and I shall tell or say to you fairly, I guess the reasons of an anorexia and its or her consequences. I tried to speak sdocherju, to convince it or her and even (it is a shame, but the fact) have intimidated its or her these consequences. But, alas! And, can be because psychologists of my daughter of the house have bothered, but she to any does not wish to go to our brother... For this reason I have dared to disturb you! I know, that with relatives and furthermore detmi-it is better to not work as teenagers most and I agree to concede these "honorary duties" to colleagues, but, understand, I cannot persuade it or her! I Am afraid for it or her also therefore (the third secret), that I through all this have passed or have taken place, after divorce with the husband and the second unsuccessful marriage or spoilage at me strong depression has begun and there was a nervous anorexia. About 82 kg I have reached up to 54 at body height 174 and was similar to a skeleton. Very much I am afraid, that this "example" could affect or have an effect negatively my child (she always was not an asthenic body build and envied me, that such "harmonous", she did not understand the mechanism of it or this!) And that about a dysmorphophobia at teenagers she often happens (at me so she has ended in general after 30 years). The child rejects any displays of love "sloppy sentimentality", I now do not work all time of the house, series, I try to support or maintain it or her, my style of education more likely democratic, and och. Seldom directive and it or him it is possible to characterize (unfortunately) - hypertrusteeship. I try to give more independence to get rid of that style of education in which brought up me. Can, for it or her it is dislike? Or my excessive "psihologichnost"? She to me has told or said, that wishes to have series easier mum, instead of "psihoanalitaka"... And I in fact simply wish to help or assist to understand to her its or her problems, and she considers or counts, that I try to supervise it or her, her or it to manipulate (" as I would like and convenient " from its or her words) and becomes isolated more and more, does not wish to share, wants, that have left " in rest ". As itself messages, prompt!

Tolokonin A.O.
14.06.2004, 15:42
Dear Sasha!
If your daughter repeats all your mistakes or errors, moreover thus envied your figure to begin it is necessary from you. Possibly not all is fulfilled and understood by you. Especially the daughter resists to your analysis. If live in Moscow, write on mine E-mail. tolokonin@mtu-net. ru