Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At one my friend I have noticed the some people strannost...

13.06.2004, 13:44
Hello, the doctor! At one my friend I have noticed some strangenesses. He cannot express the ideas in writing and constantly describes genitals of familiar and unfamiliar women. Whether it is necessary tactfully to try to send it or him to the doctor, or easier or simply to keep from it or him far away?

Pronin D.A.
14.06.2004, 10:35
For many individuals to express the ideas both in writing, and it is orally rather inconvenient. But it does not testify, as a rule, to illness or disease, and only speaks about a general educational underdevelopment. Accentuation of your comrade on genitals or genitalias can be display of its or his own problems in sex sphere (know in fact as speak: " whom that hurts, that and speaks about that "). If at you close enough friendly mutual relations can unostentatiously recommend to the friend to address to the sexopathologist if is not present - do not irritate with its or his advice or councils (To keep from it or him far away? I do not know. I think for you he is not dangerous, if speaks about female genitals or genitalias).