Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. Advise as to address with the adult person, at to...

08.06.2004, 10:37
Hello the doctor. Advise as to address with the adult person, at which easy or light;mild stage of an autism. At it or him color blindness, sometimes "leaving or care" in itself, often "is tired". The person very kind, is competent in a computer, works in the big computer. To firm zam nach. But it seems to me sometimes "details" of self-torture take place, something excruciates itself. Can be is better not continue acquaintance? But the person is adhered to our family.

Kiseleva E.J.
09.06.2004, 13:25
Zdravtsvujte, Irina! Very much the other way, to continue and support or maintain this person. Alas, but it is necessary to recognize, that to all at whom this or that deviation or rejection in our society concern as to dross, not as an example or as an example for the West where them look after and restore to life, even daunov and oligofrenov. So not in which case do not throw this person. Probably you the unique person who opens to him an external world.

Kiseleva E.J.
10.06.2004, 22:37
And in general, communicate with me on imejlu, I on items or points shall paint as how to do or make. Basically, if such person has found itself in computers it is huge plus. I do not speak that almost all geniuses were inherently misses. At your friend how much at all an autism, and shizoidnyj type of the person. To not confuse to a schizophrenia. SHizoid-this norm or rate. Simply such person almost that is closed from people, to him is alien as that dialogue, he does not attach significance the appearance, that eats. A certain explorer is necessary to such person. But also here at times there is a problem. Misunderstanding not from the wife, not from children, is not enough friends or not in general. But among them almost that one geniuses and child prodigies, or protso very clever people.

Glasha to doctor Kiselevoj
11.06.2004, 09:47
The doctor! I had to meet in a life such person and to grow fond of it or him. Problems it or him has realized, tried to create for it or him comfortable medium. Has fixed  up for a job it or him after several years of unemployment (on its or his speciality which he wanted). He is very talented, but with people to communicate is not able. Tried to replace with the enthusiasm and skill to adjust the attitude or relation. Finally only became worse. He began to accuse of lie, there were repeated rasping calls (after which could not approach or suit to phone). Any pomoshch for my part began to be considered or examined;surveyed as action in harm to him. As a result he usroil on scandal also has left. I understand, that its or his life further well will not develop. He is not young, qualities know it or him (therefore he and could not find job) after that all became even worse than scandal. Despite of serious personal experiences (he offended recently dialogue), I continue to concern to it or him;them as to the most close person and still it seems to me, that could kak-to help or assist that to him. I try to understand, in what has acted or arrived incorrectly? SHizoidnye features in itself were visible initially. What here it is possible to advise? Now in any way to it or him I do not contact. But I try kak-to help or assist that and on distance. Or should pass or take place time? I Am afraid, that to him it is very sick.

11.06.2004, 21:19
Elena Jurevna, and whether cases of happy marriages or spoilage with such people are known to you? Or it is a nonsense, and they can be supported" or maintained" only, becoming or beginning "explorer" in "external world"? Whether there is in general any literature on this bill? What will advise? At me very similar situation - closely communicated with the person about whom has just now understood, that he present or true shizoid. Well all converges, but I could not understand earlier, compared with usual. At me not pity to it or him;them, and iskrenno it or him I adore. He such especial - kind, sincere, fair and very talented, but any unadapted by this life, has left in the dreams, books, the job, not bringing to him of satisfaction... Avoids friends and the further, the becomes isolated more. Once with grief has admitted, that would like, that someone about itself thought. I did not understand earlier, why he such why as though avoids me. Has in a temper placed all points above "and" - has actually admitted love, and now I am afraid, that that has pushed away it or him from myself for ever. It or he was frightened with similar attack. He has been shaken or amazed, has accused itself that has given an occasion, "played" feelings and has finally become isolated. I want now though kak-that razrulit a situation, but I do not know, from what edge or territory to come. Business not in my maniacal passion. Has put only that I do not wish to take, forget simply about itself, and to not think it is more. Me it is simple - chelovecheski excites, how he and that with it or him. Advise though where it is possible to learn or find out about them more in detail. And that from all these unpleasant reflections itself same I shall become.:)

12.06.2004, 07:21
The matter is that particularly you understand all as happy marriage or spoilage? If to compare marriage or spoilage with "shizoidom" to marriage or spoilage with a toper, either professional jobless, or fanatically believing, or it is simple with the fool - that "shizoid" much better. It for you. And for it or him?.. Itself in a civil marriage with such, and till now in doubts: and EMU-that this all is necessary or not... Leaves so, that vse-taki it is necessary, but here WHAT FOR - till now I shall not understand...: (

To Nika Elena
13.06.2004, 08:06
Well vo-the first, the categories of citizens listed by you can be in parallel and shizoidami.:) And you tried to change your husband, having professional experience? Though something has turned out by way of improvement and simplification of a life to both? Whether it is possible, applying knowledge psihlogii, something to change and make this marriage or spoilage by more digestible for both? I ask iz-for myself, instead of for the sake of mere curiosity. And more a question: and whether there is a greater or big difference between shizoidami and neurotics? Kak-that them distinguish from the professional point of view? And then it is at times not clear, with whom business you have. And whether it is possible though kak-that to help or assist the neurotic so that both to him it became easier, and the one who deals with it or him?

13.06.2004, 20:44
I apologize for small misunderstanding: I not Elena Jurevna! Has subscribed the present or true name, not sobraziv, that the same name at our adviser. I too would like to hear opinion of the professional!