Просмотр полной версии : Problem which occurs or happens at my relatives following: my aunt vosp...

11.06.2004, 18:38
Problem which occurs or happens at my relatives following: my aunt brings up grandson Nikalaja, age 11. Mother Nikolay sits second time under clause or article " moshejnichestvo in especially large sizes ". I cannot tell or say, that she read the burial service or inveterate urka, on the contrary formed, very widely-read, in perfection knows foreign tongues, but have got used to a beautiful life and the first otsidka has not given a lesson. But a problem not in her. Now the son and the grandmother after all luxury to which she has accustomed them live on pension and the tutorial help. The boy had everything earlier, is now limited in all. The grandmother brings up it or him by a principle "do not steal". That week she has casually found out loss of money. The cellular telephone next day was gone. To them there has arrived my senior son (17) and the beginnings r

Alexander of Item
12.06.2004, 05:04
You the help spetsialista-"karmoveda" level Lazareva or is necessary for mine podrugi-Italians.

13.06.2004, 14:11
Alexander if it is possible a little on more in detail, it is possible on personal mail: IrinaR@dels. ru