Просмотр полной версии : It would be desirable to hear responses from women at whom the husband is much more senior, and...

05.06.2004, 05:00
Who has lived in such marriage or spoilage not one year would be desirable to hear responses from women at whom the husband is much more senior and. At us a difference in fifteen years. Now it is not felt in any way, but many warn me, that after 50 ways of the man and women in such marriage or spoilage sharply miss. I would not like to think of it or this. I like it or him. I want family and the joint child. But though I hate myself for such ideas, our joint future sometimes guard.

05.06.2004, 15:32
I have lived 11 years in similar marriage or spoilage. The truth to 50 him it was not executed, when I have left, but problems with the years become more appreciable and is is more acute. Though I know pair at which such problems have not arisen though they together already more than 15 years and he absolutely the old man already. It depends on many factors, one of important - temperament of spouses. Here variants are possible or probable.

06.06.2004, 06:13
Ooze, at me with the husband a difference of 6 years, and that to me
It seems it is a lot of. Think of that time, when to you
Will be for 50, and to him how much? Considering
Life expectancy of Russian men 60 65
Years, I am am frightened most of all with an idea to remain without
The native person in an old age. Plus, as you
You write, you want the child. But the child it is necessary not
Only to make, and to grow up and learn or teach
It (is desirable), and it at least 20 years of yours
Lives. How much now to yours to the man? He will be in time
To help or assist to grow up children? Or you in 40 years
It is necessary to think where to take money for study to the child
And to go for prestrarelym the husband? I on yours
Place properly once again all has weighed.

07.06.2004, 20:32
At me with the husband a difference of 11 years, together we are happy 14 more) years! To me now 33 years, to the husband 44, to our son of 13 years. In our life there was everyone, but a difference in the age of I do not feel also any "age" problems I do not test - can to me have carried, and it LOVE can is simple!

08.06.2004, 14:51
But for such men you always will be the young wife. And if you will marry for rovestnika years through 10 yours muzh-rovestnik will find to itself 18 years or summer girl, and you will torment yourself and to dream of a youth!!!

08.06.2004, 19:34
At me with the husband of 5 years of a difference. It, certainly, not 10, but too not a little. We live together already 16 t years. I am happy.

09.06.2004, 10:10
To him now 47. By way of temperament while both of us very well we coincide, he it is far not the first the man in my life, but at me never was the partner, neither among coevals, nor among men is more younger, which would be to support or maintain frequency of close relations necessary for me in a status. At me the complex has already started to develop, that such active men simply are not present, yet has not started to live with it or him. But frighten more likely not the intimal plan of difficulty, namely that vital aspirations can go in some years separately... And neither he, nor I of it or this am simple not in a status now to estimate or appreciate.

10.06.2004, 23:43
Ooze. Still think that I spoke. To him 47,
To you for 30. Well you will make the child... And
rastit-that who it or him will be? God forbid that,
You will remain with ditem-the teenager one...

12.06.2004, 02:35
Yes I understand all this... But in fact who knows, as to the coeval can occur or happen. Certainly verjatnosti different, but the destiny you will not foresee. Simply I very much like it or him and is assured, what is it mine polovinka. Also I am afraid, that the soul I shall betray, if I shall choose someone another...

12.06.2004, 10:42
Ooze, you asked opinions, I have simply stated
The and to solve certainly to you. Me personally such
The difference in the age of simply frightens. And if you
It is assured, what is it yours the man then be
With it or him and of what do not think. Though statement
Question " our joint future sometimes
Guards " for me testifies to that,
What not all so at you is good as you try
To describe. When I faced to a choice: to live for
Cordon obespechenno and it is carefree with unloved
The person (but very much me dear and nice
To me) or to return to Russia to my impecunious
And beskvartirnomu liked, for me the decision was
Unequivocal, and about complexities I not especially
Reflected... And at you, probably, vse-taki is not present
Confidence, what is it yours polovinka.

12.06.2004, 20:20
Ooze if really it or him like - reject all pavors. Perhaps, simply live for today. I know one absolutely tremendous history. The friend of my mum when to her was already for 50, has married the person, is more younger than its or her years on 20. The love at them was mad. All around twisted a finger at a temple. She (is more tremendous the formed and wise woman) spoke so: I understand, what is it, most likely, not for a long time, but I some years am better shall be happy even these or it, than I shall not be happy in general never. They were together some years, and then she has died of a cancer. He did not marry any more. About children. At us here here in Ukraine history in the Odessa area. At 87 years or summer deduli the son was born in the summer. To the wife - 36. The grandfather on the seventh palate. Speaks - the only thing about what I regret - I shall not see the son the adult. He vdovets, is from first marriage children (to the senior, it it seems 64). Here so in a life happens. I do not understand, what for to you now to be pawned what, probably, kogda-nibud happens? It very much reminds a nursery skazochku when the woman has married and has gone to a cellar. In a cellar she has seen an axe hanging under a ceiling. She has presented, as she will give birth to the child, the child will grow, will go to a cellar, and the axe will fall to him to a head. She has sat down and sobs. Then its or her husband has come to a cellar. She to him has told all this. He too has sat down and cries. So gradually all family there was going to - sat and poured bitter tears. And someone has then come clever and has simply removed or has simply taken off an axe. In general in any business the main thing - a positive spirit. If you will be adjusted or be set up, that in some years you should become another's - do not doubt, you become another's. And if will lay down to itself the aim by all means to save love - you it or her save. Success!

13.06.2004, 07:14
Thanks big all for responses! If I would be one never and did not doubt. And as I still have syn-a teenager from first marriage destiny I solve already for a two, therefore and concern cautiously to a choice of the partner in life.