Просмотр полной версии : Hello! For certain, such letters, as my letter, thousand. I do not think, cht...

11.06.2004, 04:31
For certain, such letters, as my letter, thousand. I do not think, that I shall be mistaken, assuming it. But not here "true". Forgive or excuse. It is absolutely difficult to concentrate on chyom-that one, when in a head rojatsja clouds of ideas, and, completely not joyful or happy. Only 18 It seems to me, as if age carefree, live and be pleased to that you live! An, no. It would not be desirable me to be pleased.
Why? As it is not banal sounds, but all business in Itself. More precisely if to be completely fair, business in me.
We have met when both of us in a life had a difficult period. It or he was thrown by the girl whom He met about one and a half years. He liked it or her As he said, and she liked It or Him, but it is not fated
I have missed the First Love approximately at the same time, as He. Experienced very much, but has found a way out that the First Love happens only time and consequently it is not necessary to long, and it is necessary to be pleased to that you test. You feel, - means, you live , - with this idea woke up every day and studied to live anew. Has survived.
He too has consulted with the pain. Has consulted. But nothing passes or takes place irrevocably. Has passed or has taken place two years after their break, after our break. I have calmed down. Eventually, girls stronger essences in the moral plan. And It or Him something glozhet. I see it. I feel.
We together only half a year. And we know each other as much. The history of our acquaintance But not in it or this business is interesting. We so not enough time together, but He already became for me the most close person on light! And I for It or him Here and a problem. He at all does not trust me. And I see, how to Him is sometimes serious, to help or assist I want; heart a blood pours, when He suffers. And He does not admit me to itself(himself). Perhaps, proud? Ambitious? I do not know. Not so it is a lot of at me was opportunities "to study" or investigate" a male. I wish to help or assist, and I shall come across a wall of mistrust. I understand, I have deserved it. I was mistaken so much! Did or made to Him painfully, itself not understanding, that I create. Now here I analyze it, I try to be corrected. I hope what to turn out. Very much I hope! But all my steps to It or him;them in what do not result or bring. He as is closed. For me
In general, He cheerful, ridiculous. Likes to communicate. But only business reaches Its or His pain I Know, it is impossible to be imposed in confessors. I know, that time here is important. I know. But I so am afraid of It or Him to lose! And so I wish to make Its or His happy!
Please, explain, how it is necessary itself for a message to prove my Love? To help or assist Him? How to gain Its or His trust? First of all I wish to be simple Other. I wish to divide with It or him all ups and downs. How? Help or Assist, please, advice or council.
In advance, big to you thanks.
And very much I hope, that the confused statement I have precisely stated a short of a problem. Thanks if can help or assist me.
JUlja (littlefish@rambler. ru)

One :-))
12.06.2004, 14:08
You know, very probably, that business not in you, and all much more and proshche-but also is more complex or difficult)))) I Mean that "ispovedyvatsja" to speak, so, and to admit the problems, sufferings or dr. Similar "delicacies" - by many men it is regarded, as impact on their "courage", advantage. Last business they they consider or count to discuss it and "to be cried". The stereotype of the man in obshchestve-is the strong, confident person, the defender and the patron of "weak" women, and to be in a role "consoled" it as humiliation. Can, just because he so likes you, he at all does not wish to prove to be from this "weak" party or side. I do not know, that posovetovat-but precisely I know, that do not insist, do not get to the bottom. It would be ideal, if he could communicate to the psychologist (in fact it is service, before the expert it is not necessary to seem strong), but besides, and often men consider or examine;survey it how not muzhkoe employment or occupation....

12.06.2004, 22:02
Aha, strong, assured or confident... All life to be the head of the family. So the wife even before wedding ordered.)