Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 24 years, and I very much want the child. All time I struggle with it or this...

23.05.2004, 09:12
Hello! To me 24 years, and I very much want the child. All time I struggle with this desire and I do not wish to believe, what is it simply instinct. .no it seems to me, what exactly now is time. All time I think about itself, even has already invented, what he will be. I dream about itself, I talk to it or him. .v the general or common, from mind or wit I descend or go. .u I was not present the husband, there is a guy who has temporarily left (for 3 years). Basically, to wait, while he will return or will not return to me, I do not want. With lives so much time fell in love, that already for a long time for a long time all is peer, who with me rjadom-recently I choose men purely or cleanly from practical soobrazhny. My guy likes me and speaks, that when will arrive, we shall start to live together and he will be glad, if I shall give birth to him to the child. .no to me has bothered to wait! In 3 years to me will be already 27. And now all develops safely for a birth of the kid. At me 5 ti the years or summer experience of job, I can leave very well in the decree, there are friends and close people who will help or assist, mum not against if I shall give birth itself, without the husband. Especial material problems are not present. .zhivu separately, but I think to get over to mum if I shall want. There is series a guy who will not leave me and will help or assist (he even any more against, that I shall give birth from another, he me not ostavit-has reconciled). Well and I am not afraid of difficulties though fine I know, that such the child (podruzhkinyh a heap has grown up). I know, what is it hardly, but I have boldness, desire and an opportunity. I have decided to go to the guy for 2 tys km on a visit to the days most favorable for conception, and if it will turn out, to become pregnant. It will not turn out sejchas-can, will carry in another? Support or maintain me please because all to that I speak about the desire, speak, that it is possible to wait couple of years. And I do not wish to wait. What it is more reasonable in we wash a case? Thanks.

24.05.2004, 08:08
I personally shall not support or maintain. I consider or count, that your child has deserved to grow in high-grade family: where is both mum and the daddy. That in you double egoism and dur - your child is not guilty..
I consider or count, that you HAVE TIME to find the worthy person, to marry and give the child the present or true family.

25.05.2004, 12:46
You egoistka? Unless you do not understand, that to children give birth or travail for the sake of children, instead of for the sake of satisfaction of the I "want". Any child in the world wishes to have both the daddy and mum. And then, as mum six-years or six-summer dochenki, I wish to tell or say to you, that you simply do not represent, as your life with a birth of the kid and as you budte hardly to pull all this of one even if your mum will help or assist you much will change. Do not do or make nonsenses give birth or travail only near to the beloved, well, and naturally reliable. Listen to me, already taken place mum. The child it rjuushechki, koljasochki seems to you, that, toys - all this is unconditional so, but it and huge, simply huge work. I often think - here if with me (God forbid) that happens - to that my girl will be necessary? Think and of it or this.

Svetlana Granin
26.05.2004, 20:21
I think, that approval of visitors of this conference it is not necessary for you, for yourselves all of you have already solved. Most likely, the child and to your mum is necessary to you of what to fill the formed emptiness in private life. And if you do not see for yourselves other prospects how to become single mother then give birth or travail. Everyone should pass or take place the way. Success!

27.05.2004, 12:03
Thanks that try to teach me. .no how to be with those children, papochka which simply leaves from mummy on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. to year of their life or lives in family with drunkards and rowdies? So to the child and mum it is easier? To that the daddy is guaranteed constant, reliable and liking the child against a birth till an old age? Yes to anybody. Anyway, I think, not having with a birth of the daddy and suddenly having got it or him in the future, the child will transfer or carry a smaller trauma, than on the contrary. Simply I am not afraid to live itself and I do not cling to men, what here bad?

27.05.2004, 23:06
Why you compare to the inferior variant instead of the best?
All of you have turned or have turned over from legs or foots on a head, strongly looks like serznye complexes. In advance program itself on failure in marriage or spoilage and do or make conclusions.

28.05.2004, 18:49
Dak, Vy-that can and be not afraid to live itself and do not cling to men, but rebenok-that podrastet and can look at these things other eyes, and you kakby already for it or him have solved all. Voobshchem-that is your problem. Well, and your child, certainly. When give birth and will sleep for 2 3 hours per day, and vtoryh-that arms or hand are not present, recollect, these doubts. I have no the purpose you to offend. It only to you to solve. Success!

29.05.2004, 06:59
And what if to compare the another's uncle whom kogda-nibud, the god will give, will appear and whether it will be not known he to like really your child and the native father, with which at you will be strong marriage or spoilage (or such does not happen?:)))
Too a variant to reflection.

29.05.2004, 18:22
If there is such strong need or requirement for the child and all opportunities that it or him to grow up better really to give birth. Hardly this child will be deprived by something, as there is a person who can become him the father.

30.05.2004, 07:08
It agree with Alina, and at all I do not understand, what is this such tsepljanie for the father, all is simple priklilis to it or him;them. I doubt, that to the child he it is direct so vital, I have grown without the father, and my sister too, plus half of children in my class (the truth it for a long time was) too were without the father (interestingly, why not without mother). I think, the main thing, that you want it or him. It is the most important as men in your life of the big role do not play. More shortly, I consider or count, that you precisely know, that want and can reach or achieve it or this, t. e. - you are a happy person, simply wish to look or see, as associates otnesutsja to your freedom. But in view of their hugest complexes of the good relation I see not " great granaries ". Even from Svetlana Graninoj: (((I Can something I do not understand? Success!!!

31.05.2004, 01:52
Anna, and you certainly, the ideal person of times so have managed all of us fine to get to the core and calculate all our complexes:))) is a diplomatic prelude, and now I shall tell or say, why I so advise Lyudmila to not hurry up to give birth or travail without the man - on that simple basis, that itself to long time rastila the child one. I have the habitation, well paid job, the help native, but the father was very necessary for my child, and it or him was not - here actually and all. And to consider or count mine personally complexes I you did not ask. Yours faithfully, Irina.

Vick Anna
31.05.2004, 19:06
If you the chicken brains cannot understand what for to the child the father is necessary - esteem books on children's psychology.

The mouse
02.06.2004, 08:18
Lyudmila, it is not necessary to hurry up with a birth of the child. Vo-the first: to you only 24, so at you still a great lot of time (by the way, in civilized countries this age is considered still the childhood for a birth of the child), and vo-the second: in your life still can abruptly change, you can meet the person and fall in love, but where a guarantee, what this person will grow fond of your child? And now All of you raschityvaete also display on polochkam and like it's OK would develop, but the life does not keep within any frameworks. So to give birth or travail to the child it is necessary if you consider or count, that in private life with you there can not be nothing good any more.

The mouse for Anna
03.06.2004, 05:44
If you have grown without the father it does not mean at all that it is necessary to all to wish the same. It seems to me, that that fact that there is a set of the problems arising at children, growing in incomplete families is not a secret.

The anonym
04.06.2004, 06:31
For the first time I have married on call of a maternal instinct, but I have grown without the father, and a variant to give birth to the child " for myself " me did not arrange, there Was also a candidate for husbands " from cleanly practical reasons ", but except for calculation, still something probably was necessary, and we have left... By the way, I have given birth to the first child in 27 years, normal age, and the second in 30. Though I not so wished to give birth or travail to the second but when he has appeared is was SUCH!!! Probably, this most maternal instinct has received the further development. To what I this all? And to that having decided to give birth to the child " without the father ", you hardly are solved on the second and never learn or find out what this happiness. And age at you it is far not critical. And more I would not trust in the man, " which on all is ready ". pochemu-that I am assured, that the man which allows to humiliate in every possible way itself, sooner or later for the humiliations will revenge. And if you do not wish to get or start the child from it or him do not hold "for emergency", to sense will not be. And how the young woman is going to to solve a problem of " the basic instinct " which with a birth of the child anywhere does not disappear, and often and amplifies? In general a conclusion such: you still young, at you are all chances to meet the the man which becomes the father of your so desired child.

The anonym
05.06.2004, 04:57
And why to you to not leave to the guy, zaberemennet and to remain there with it or him. The child will have a high-grade family, and to mum you can come on a visit.

05.06.2004, 09:22
Well have simply pecked, misters conformists!:))) for the Mouse - not a secret also, that there is a set of problems and at children growing in full families, especially if you these families a "bad" microclimate by all means and it will turn out what if Lyudmila will marry the unloved person. Vick - can retell the words, and that to read kak-that in a breakage if, certainly, you read them:))) Also it is not necessary to offend chicken, sravnija their brains with mine:))) can is better with yours:))) or at you they are not present: (((Success!

The anonym
05.06.2004, 12:12
We at all do not wish to offend Lyudmila, and its or her desire to have the child is fine!!! But nevertheless, me it seems, what is it the desire expires from personal problems: is tired to fall in love, wait it is not known that, the liked person far, what will be in 3 years who knows it or him? Any woman even living in safe marriage or spoilage, does not happen absolutely always happy and all happy or enough! And the more so even it is more, than unmarried, we are afraid to lose husbands for this or that reason, as they say: " If you do not have aunt you it or her to not lose... " And still, nevertheless... " At the child two arms or hand that one he kept for mum, another for the daddy ". Not I have thought up it, it was heading in a "Week". From myself I wish to wish you that all at you has turned out, do not despair!!!

05.06.2004, 21:23
I at all did not count, that you so will squabble..))) And if I shall add, what the one who daleko-is going to to leave on constant m/to Chyprus in these most 3 years and if I will have ITS or HIS child, he and us will take 100 %? How you look or see at it? But the child will be with papoj/not with the daddy, and in zagranke to live. .shuchu. .ja it or him liked by the way, but with the character (well after 8 mi years of occurrings and from them year of marriage or spoilage with the first husband), I have no a silly habit romanticheski to fall in love and lose a head navsegda-kak-that quickly I it or her I find. Badly it or is good, I do not know, but opjat-taki: I are ALL FOR the BIRTH of the CHILD. Even the man which will be series. And even the one who, having learned or having found out about a birth of the child, never will leave me simply so. I am ready to defend the point zrenija-the planned, desired child and the reasonable approach by its or his birth even without presence of the husband under bokom-a normal act of the woman. And here abnormal postupok-to marry, believing in eternal love to give birth or travail to the child in hope, that the husband will grow fond of it or him also as well as you (why = that is forgotten, that the child = absolutely other person, instead of your part) and then most to suffer and force to suffer the child when papashka it appears the useless father. Thanks you, I, certainly, still shall think... I try, I spoke, to struggle with the desire... And to remain with the guy tam-an excellent or a different idea, but I have got used to live in the south, and tam-is cold. .k to the same I shall strongly stir or prevent to its or his career what to do or make I am not going to. Will want to arrive then for mnoj-will arrive. And about emptiness in private life of speech does not go))))) and to stop up such emptiness with the child voobshche-a marasmus. Simply mum at menja-the businessman, papa-the chief, and I - the lawyer. And how there was my private life, I grow old on it or her to look trezvo-so have brought up also to it or this was specially trained in addition on own experience. Thanks big, for me and the truth are very important your opinions.

To Anna from Vick
06.06.2004, 05:39
And why for unloved that??!!! Here someone wrote, what it is necessary to marry urgently for whom has got - if only there was a father?
All just naooborot: we write, that at Lyudmila all ahead, that she necessarily will arrange the private life with the liked person and will give the child high-grade family: liking each other and its or his parents liking each other.
And to become single mother she will always be in time.

The mouse for Anna
07.06.2004, 12:59
I support or maintain Vik-at. Anna at you any one-sided vision: you videte exclusively that wish to see and start to argue. If there are doubts, re-read reports on two raza-)))

Vick Lyudmila
09.06.2004, 05:20
Lyudmila, voobshchem to solve certainly to you, to you is more visible.
Our answers are more likely even a position on lives VOOBSHCHEM, instead of vision of your concrete situation.
The only thing, that personally surprises yours me is, we shall softly tell or say, pessimisticheky a spirit on marriage or spoilage. "... To give birth or travail in hope, that its or his husband will grow fond " (horror), " if papashka it will appear the useless father ". Whence it at you???!! It that sad experience of first marriage or experience of girl-friends before eyes??? Differently in a life happens, but why you yourselves program what at you in the future cannot be on another?
Certainly, any passion in due course passes or takes place, but family, children are something greater, than romantic love of the man and the woman. Well good, to everyone the :)))) In it or this of Granin of the right. Success to you!!!!

10.06.2004, 02:51
Yes, probably the pessimism about marriage or spoilage " for all life " anywhere I shall not put, he is. Pessimist-it is well informed optimist ().)))))) whether Yes it is necessary to me to liquidate it or him? He to me not ochen-that prevents to live, simply to believe in fairy tales is impossible... Vapshche-that ideal people do not happen, with what I for a long time already svyklas. So even it is more interesting.))))). About the child I shall try to think very much seryozno and to weigh all contra. Thanks, success all!!!!!

10.06.2004, 21:39
That at All of you is for a birth of the child is fine!!! I am am enraged, for example, by women aspiring to become mother at any cost: itself still studies, the husband anywhere does not work, live off parents - and there!... You for " full happiness " do not have only Man liked and liking, from which and for which it would be desirable to give birth to the child. Probably, it will be absolutely another the man, not from about what you speak. It seems to me they you not absolutely arrange, and in it or this all problem... We speak you, do not hurry up!!!

12.06.2004, 13:52
Really you think, that someone here will tell or say, that it is better for you in your life. It you because the others speak for themselves can tell or say only - as though they have entered the life.
Apparently, you for yourselves have accepted the decision - it and is is unique correct. Happiness to you and success!