Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am afraid, by own strength this problem to me to solve not under force...

01.06.2004, 13:39

I am afraid, by own strength this problem to me to solve not under force, therefore has decided to address to you. My husband constantly spends time behind a computer. At once after a supper sits down computer games - and does not go to bed till two nights.
From here two problems: vo-the first, he does not get enough sleep, t. To. Rises in 7 mornings. Vo-the second, he does not pay to me any attention. And if I try to distract it or him from a computer, he awfully is angry, does or makes such unfortunate kind, as though I
It or Him has got the harassments, and all the same continues to sit at it or him. When I try to find out, why he so is keen by a computer, speaks, that games help or assist him to relax and distract from ideas on job (he the principal). I
All I understand, but mne-that what to do or make? We are married only two years - and he has already lost to me any interest. What will be further?!
Business becomes complicated that we one year ago have moved to other city, and now we is very far from native and friends. And those new friends and colleagues who have appeared for this time, all the same cannot replace former friends. I have lost a habitual circle of dialogue, and now, similar, began to show more demands
To the husband to demand it is more than attention. If earlier my attention dispersed on girlfriends, mum, the daddy, the sister, and the addicting of the husband for a computer irritated me, but did not kill, now the computer became for me the most important contender for
Attention of the beloved. And he does not try to understand me at all! In fact it was its or his initiative - to leave, I have supported or maintained it or him, in hope, that we become even closer each other in city where we know nobody. Also what? We keep away more and more and more... I am am visited or attended even more often with ideas on divorce, but I very much like the husband and
I do not wish it or him to lose. How to force it or him to pay to me attention?
I shall be very grateful, if will help or assist me to understand this situation confused for me.
Yes, if it will help or assist business, him 31 year, me 23.

05.06.2004, 07:49
" To him a computer the interlocutor, the drinking companion and the lover " (T.Shaov) very widespread case, at you also started. Have a seat for a computer, read spetsliteraturu. Only not in games be engaged, and even text editors or 1, or calculations. Pull it or him constantly: help or assist, look or see... There Will be a subject for conversations, and will explain an occasion then to him, that in time, spent for senseless toys, it is possible in many respects or for much to learn and a heap of money to earn.

08.06.2004, 09:12
Thanks for the response, but, I am afraid, it not our case!
I am constant behind a computer - I work as the journalist, and without it or him anywhere. 1 and calculations are not necessary to me basically.
And my husband and so earns many money, and an opportunity to earn is even more - not occasion to tear off of it or him from a computer.: (

Hazhilina I.I.
10.06.2004, 20:35
Hello Jeanne! The problem is more serious, than can seem at first sight. It should pay desire to you attention and communicate with you and not a whim of your husband, eto-disease, dependence on games (a so-called game narcomania). In a basis of formation of any dependence also the dissatisfaction of any needs or requirements of the person more often lays. Similar, that at your husband, it is connected with inability to relax and remove or be relaxed and remove;relax and take out;be relaxed stress in other ways. In computer games there is nothing bad. Problems arise when the person tries to escape from a real life in a reality imaginary. In the beginning the person can supervise diseases itself, how much to him plays and when. In process of development, game starts entirely and to supervise behaviour of the person completely. And except for game more nothing becomes necessary for the person.
Hazardous players (gemblery-from English - gambler) search for a way to leave from problems, to plunge into a status of euphoria through the virtual world of a computer. What to do or make? In a similar situation reproaches and uveshchanija are useless, the professional help is necessary to the person. Try to persuade to address to the psychotherapist or the psychologist on job with dependences. Can address to me. t. 8 916 140 74 55 (from Moscow or area). My full data it is possible to find, having pressed an inscription with initials.

12.06.2004, 10:18
Thanks for the detailed answer! Unfortunately, we live not in Moscow...
e. Consultation of the expert to not manage? From its part I can make nothing?