Просмотр полной версии : Dear habitues konfy. What it is better? The Nobility, that to you is foreordained or outlined in advance in it...

08.06.2004, 05:37
Dear habitues konfy. What it is better? The Nobility, what to you is foreordained or outlined in advance in this life or to not know? The Nobility, how much you needed to live and what will be your death or to not know?

08.06.2004, 22:46
Less you know - you sleep more strong, it concerns or touches men and the future.

10.06.2004, 02:58
I would prefer to not know if to take so globally. But here about things and troubles pomelche-I consider or count, who preduprezhden-that is armed.

The anonym
10.06.2004, 08:32
If illness or disease - is better for knowing. A herring of the right. As at Bulgakov, a sarcoma of a lung, relatives start to say lies to you, fawning and hiding eyes. About changes - a question at issue. If you like - all the same you will feel. To pretend that you do not know is only for women

11.06.2004, 12:34
The future is perfect the unpredictability and uncertainty. It is not necessary to cloud or sadden the everyday lives feeling of doom, vokznikajushchim after reception of such knowledge (illness or disease and mors). Komu-Someone is to be known, where and when will overtake their bright and unforgettable events. But also it is undesirable, as the factor of unexpectedness (pleasant) always doubly increases or enlarges a stream of positive emotions. The person lives today, means, it is necessary to breathe and think the present, instead of to look back back or to try to open to a curtain in the future. To all the time, and purchase of the information on the future mogzhet to stir or prevent to precise digestion and an estimation of the present.

11.06.2004, 22:35
Lajza, the darling. Thanks for congratulations. But I know, that I require special time and a spirit what to respond you...)