Просмотр полной версии : As all in a life is wrong... Now went shopping - so much vseg...

10.06.2004, 20:25
As all in a life is wrong... Now went shopping - so much all would be desirable beautiful of clothes, and impossible ((On a heel - you will not dress, a skirt short - you will not dress... And when iskada something decent, nothing came across. Here so always - when something is impossible - very much it would be desirable!

10.06.2004, 22:38
It while is impossible on a heel. And you buy or purchase and you will wear when it will be possible. At the same time the stimulus will appear. And a skirt short why it is impossible? Disturbance vahhabitskogo a regimen?))

Well here
11.06.2004, 16:15
.. To Me your cares... (((

11.06.2004, 21:56
Cares, they at all one - to live in the pleasure. A skirt short... You represent, as it looks or appears: in a short skirt and lame?