Просмотр полной версии : I am pregnant, have submitted the application or statement. But once at me was disgusting nastro...

06.06.2004, 13:59
I am pregnant, have submitted the application or statement. But once I had a disgusting mood I it or him has got also he me has struck. I have collected monatki and have left. Week we did not see he wrote letters, called, apologized, I did not respond. Then has written the letter that he has called, he has arrived have talked also I has returned. But now in three days I have learned or have found out that he once has met the former wife and all was. What to do or make? I can not forgive or excuse, abortion to do or make late

07.06.2004, 09:02
Mne kajetsya on ne tot chelovek kotorii Vam nyjen. Vo pervih kak on mog podnyat na Vas ryky, tembolee chto Vi eshe beremeni. A vo vtorih, on chto posle kajdoi sori bydet ezdit k svoei bivshei ili kmy nibyd eshe? Podymaite horoshenko nyjen li Vam takoi chelovek, esli da, to nespeshite raspisivatsya. Ydachi Vam i legkih rodov.

The anonym
08.06.2004, 14:30
At me the same husband. I have already given birth, t. To. Of "murder" of the kid and to think did not want. Has decided to suffer muzhenka from it or him " podnimanijami arms or hand " and "campaigns" to was or former, and then when there will be an opportunity when the kid podrastet I shall leave! Now the main thing mine sladenky the kid!
In fact it is possible even to live happily 10 years in marriage or spoilage, to get or start children, and then to quarrel, be disappointed, etc.

The anonym
09.06.2004, 21:33
nikakogo aborta. ne vzdmaj s nim zitj, vitjanesh. i malisha podnimesh. on-ne muzchina. rozaj i budj siljnoj, malish uze jestj i ni v cem ne vinovat!!! ponjala? poshli togo kozla i zivi sama, rebenok prineset problemi, no boljse budet radosti, poverj!!!!

The anonym
10.06.2004, 20:37
The birth rebenka-is prime your problem or task! Has withdrawn the muzhik, now it is not necessary to bite elbows, next time you will be cleverer! Only do not direct now to it or this attention and not farewell it or this stervetsa! Health to you and malyshke!

11.06.2004, 10:23
Do not idealize marriage or spoilage! That you have described all was, is or will be at the majority of families. The main thing, do not suppose dependence on the husband and do not lose respect for.