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02.06.2004, 08:21
CHunja, you where? How are you doing?

05.06.2004, 21:30
Yes on a place I. Thanks huge that show sincere attention. Malenko osvobozhus I shall describe events of the last days. Briefly it will not turn out.

06.06.2004, 04:35
And I today have consulted in occasion of my behaviour to the psychologist. She has supported or maintained me in my "undertaking", having told or said, that we have got used to run in one direction: the husband, we - behind it or him, and try to run now in a underside, you will see - he will change the attitude or relation and will reflect, and why the situation has changed. For men not clear always a riddle, here also behave so, unusually, not clearly for it or him, and will suffice to shed tears, it is time to smile, and I so am already happy or am, and have almost forgotten about its or his passion. And that earlier an idea on her constantly turned in a head, now - is not present. Patiences and udchi to you.

09.06.2004, 22:57
Well here all already send away or have left. It is possible to relax. The most difficult to pretend that all as is usual. The days off have vegetated at job. And I do not wish to remain at home. Ideas very chaotic. And conversation at us with her all taki took place. Has learned or has found out a lot of new and interesting about the "former" husband. I it or him so now in soul or douche name. As I also assumed the girl the most opposite beats off from its or his claims, besides that in a state of intoxication (I wrote that nazjuzjukivaetsja last time). The impudence has sufficed even (or stupidities most likely) to call few times at night to her home. Tongue hardly turned, and in fact at home at it or her the husband and the small child. Were at it or her and with the husband of disassembly in this occasion. My sober to itself such never allowed. Much still koe-that to me has told. I tend to that that speaks the truth, besides very cleverly argues on some questions. It at mine the roof goes (therefore as has noticed that visited or attended a site about an impotency, etc. man's problems). Can wishes itself to check up on young? At us already certainly in the bed plan naprjazhenka - that he is tired, he not explains to me that a perpetuum mobile and t. I certainly all understand item, moreover wine parties do not improve position (more correctly standing). Well in a general plan all as before: we sleep in one bed, a kiss before leaving or care from the house, questions as it is usual about cowards, socks and that where lays. At job as well as it is usual business relations. But here that at me in soul or douche - itself I can not understand while and to explain. Much has changed the mind, has touched a heap of variants. Kljala itself for fidelity and fidelity, for love and care, for sincere sympathy and empathy, for dreams, for hopes and more for thousand virtues which sit in us zhenah-silly women. I regret for the only thing - about that that I not the stinker (plainly at all I do not know what is it such). That that was to not return any more (suspiciousness now my eternal vital satellite will be). While has decided to take of an observant position. Thanks all who responded, shared the reflections, sorrows. Your support has appeared very much and very necessary. The life itself will show what to make a decision. Allochka, I liked your phrase: " Revenge - a dish cold ". And I shall not revenge. He will be revenged with a life. In due course he will understand THAT HE HAS lost.

11.06.2004, 08:14
Alla if at you is time and desire it would be desirable to communicate more frankly. It seems to me is to that at you to learn.