Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 45 years. At me such problem: sometimes it seems to me, what not...

08.06.2004, 07:42
Hello! To me of 45 years. At me such problem: sometimes it seems to me, that some things are not there where should, and in an opposite direction... I shall explain on more detailed: I live in city. I am going to to go on the market. The market is opposite to the house in 5 minutes of walking. I leave an entrance, I cost or stand the face in a direction of the market and it seems to me, that the market should be in other party or side - behind the house... I am lost... Intuitively legs or foots conduct me in the necessary direction (to the market), but the subconscious mind speaks, that I on the contrary keep away from the market. I come on the market and again it seems to me, that series in the market pomeneny places: cloths should be at the left, and products from the right. (actually cloths from the right, products with it is left. Cloths as were on the right so I and see them on the right. But it seems to me, that they were at the left earlier...) I hope, that has clearly explained. As a result: I am sometimes lost and I do not know as to find road home. I trust in the intuition and legs or foots which while did not bring me. Such confusion happens not always, 2 3 times a week and proceed 20...30 minutes, sometimes and it is more. What to me to do or make? serov@atlasua. net serov@eprst. ru

Bobrov A.E.
09.06.2004, 22:15
Your status can be qualified as original type of a derealization, with disturbance of " the internal scheme or plan of space ". But other interpretings are possible or probable also. Such status meets seldom. The first, that I would advise is to pass or take place probably fuller inspection at the neuropathologist, to make EEG, MRT and an eyeground. It is necessary to reject presence of an organic lesion of a brain. Other variant - t. n. Dyssociative frustration. It is one of variants of the neurotic frustration connected with stress. In general to be reinsured and surveyed it would be necessary.