Просмотр полной версии : There are problems with stupnjami, legs or foots and a back. A burden special insoles, without n...

07.06.2004, 22:12
There are problems with stupnjami, legs or foots and a back. A burden special insoles, without them in any way: each step is given in a head and she hurts. I go to the doctor, but it is not enough of it or this, though the advantage or benefit is. Operation while, thanks God, is not required. But if to me there would be 70 years, I would not experience, and still more few or little. All children or guys have a good time, and I with them cannot; I try more correctly to not go mad, but when you constantly hurts, it not absolutely that... In general at whom is, that knows. All this probably since a birth also is aggravated by study, job. Someone had something similar? Share personal experience as with these or it;this to struggle. I know, what it is necessary to practise before loss of pulse but how at it or this to not go mad? Izviite, that has gone in cycles, but it is really important, I can not look at healthy boys and try to communicate with them on ranyh. And about girls and speeches are not present, yes they and do not look at me (and what for it or him chel with problems?) I understand, that raznjunilsja, but in due course simply lose belief that it is possible for something to change. I heard different histories as people of treated
(The circus actor any was) Means it is possible? But how?

Kiseleva E.J.
08.06.2004, 13:16
Not always it is possible to find a way out of each situation, but it is possible to change a view on tuzhe the situation and then the life will get absolutely another okras. One of examples Milton Ericson (known gipnoterapevt) has been chained all life to an invalid's carriage. And it to him has not prevented to become well-known for the whole world. Other example of my friends. To the young man has torn off legs or foots at attempt at a life, he worked as the security guard. All thought, that to the guy the extremity or end, but is not present. Now he superb looks or appears, runs on prostheses, one more was born dochura. When it happens he has told or said only one " do not dare to regret me! Will start to regret, I shall die. " I think, that these examples are sufficient that you posomotreli on themselves and for the life on another. Wish to get acquainted with girls, znakomtes. Who to you has told or said, what sick are necessary to nobody? You here have written, that leenie passes or takes place successfully. Perfectly! Here already one plus. Work? Perfectly. Here you it is socially active. Find more pleasant and good and do not go in cycles in the disease. Success to you! If, that write on imejl.

08.06.2004, 23:29
At me repetitive strain injury, arms or hand hurt constantly. So I quite represent what it. There was in due time a depression terrible, then I have simply learned to ignore less more a pain (it be not become absolutely bad yet). But more less dushchevnoe calmness (and improvement of a status) has got when has started to be engaged thaw tszi. Very much I recommend, especially when the trainer of all this does or makes without unnecessary esoterics and is pure or clean as art of movement.

09.06.2004, 10:25
Thanks for answers! The matter is that I do not wish to be well-known, and I wish to live a normal life, let poor and unknown, but free in full sense of this word. To ignore a pain I try, anybody except for close relatives knows nothing (if to not look narrowly, likely, it is not visible, and I shall always smile if only did not regret) But for example to go on a skating rink or roll or even dances - already a problem, means I get on a smile and I say lies. In general, I have decided to take myself in arms or hand and to approach or suit to business seriously: to study the literature on LFK and to do or make all on system of times in a forehead in any way. Tajchi I shall try to find, though it is money and dependence on the third party, but we shall look or see. Once again thanks for answers.