Просмотр полной версии : The DEAR DOCTOR and dear or expensive visitors - please advise: at my sconce...

sergej (and 12912)
03.06.2004, 06:07
The DEAR DOCTOR and dear or expensive visitors - please advise: at my brother - an epilepsy with frequent attacks sudorog-in three years he has transferred or carried a vernal encephalitis - has hardly got out from that light. We twins now to us for twenty. The modern medicine is not capable to offer yet panacea from an epilepsy. nootropnye preparations often not in a status to facilitate sudorogi-in fact for certain there is a gradual accustoming to preparatam-to Benzonalum for example. aleksej practically has no education. Naturally there are no elementary social needs or requirements as for example in a place in a society. Sexly rastormozhen-that also puts it or him in asotsialnuju group of the most remediless elements. Nevertheless while we operate or control enough but forgets all in an hour. Where for example it is possible to investigate or research its or his brain? Whether it is possible to avoid effectively fast degradation of its or his person and even to stop ee-to turn back? Help or assist advice or council who mozhet-in fact to me very difficultly or simply encouragement, in advance thanks.

Alexander of Item
04.06.2004, 04:29
Write, please, to me, I shall give advice or council: prugalov@mail. wplus. net

04.06.2004, 19:52
Pretty so unless in conference of the psychologist it is necessary to you? The psychiatrist is necessary to you. To investigate or research a brain it is possible in any well equipped medical center though, that you there uvidite-unless focal izmenenija-and those are visible on the usual encephalogram, anything informativnee at this disease is not present. Nootropy are counter-indicative at epilepsii-they can to provoke convulsive activity, I so understand, you tsel-to make more rare or infrequent attacks and to calm your brother? For treatment and cuppings of attacks are preparations of type of Finlepsinum, Suxilepum, rispolepta in a combination with diuretic, such, as Diacarbum. Well intravenous course or even droppers with magnesia and more helps or assists. By the way, there is special ketodieta-I, unfortunately do not know in detaljah-but she in some cases removed or took out completely a convulsive syndrome. It it is necessary to take an interest at the expert or at the dietarian. And that it or him to calm and make more safe in social plane-it is necessary to him to give such preparations as Diazepamum, klonazepam-and in general that any anticonvulsant contain to some extent ljuminal-this substance very much he brakes nervous sistemu-will sleep much.

Alexander of Item
06.06.2004, 03:13
And the person, and in fact at us while has not written bill 3: 1 in ours...

07.06.2004, 06:35
If your last report is addressed mne-that, Prugalov, you strongly are surprised, if I to you shall tell or say, what any competitions to you did not enter?))) by the way, yesterday there was an independent investigation with Nikolay Nikolaevym on a TV set on exciting us both a subject... And you probably are surprised in second time if I to you shall tell or say, that the audience has come to conclusion, that all this tselitelsko-a magical mould for a long time it is time (parliamentary metodami-we people civil) - to lower in a toilet bowl)

Alexander of Item
08.06.2004, 14:03
Similar, at the Herring the megalomania, seems to her, that she a greater or big shark:-)). __ Me dialogue with nevezhestvenno-aggressive does not interest.

08.06.2004, 16:59
Listen, here there is in the nature a reciprocity. You not interesujut-and you interest in nobody))))