Просмотр полной версии : Hello, you kak-wrote that, that a nervous strain in occasion of sterility or barrenness...

07.06.2004, 14:14
Hello, you kak-wrote that, what the nervous strain in occasion of sterility or barrenness can become the reason of sterility or barrenness, tell or say, and it concerns or touches also men? Simply at the husband causeless sterility or barrenness, that is all analyses in norm or rate, except for spermogrammy. There can be it something psychological? I noticed, that earlier he at all did not like and did not want children, has then changed.

Bobrov A.E.
08.06.2004, 09:57
About men tells or says can nothing, as clinical observations in this foreshortening was not spent. But basically it too is possible or probable, though at men communication or connection of emotions with physiological reactions more mediated. Besides spermogramma-that at it or him with deviations or rejections (!) And more. I can not exclude, that has put here not only in itself. At the woman the subconscious equipment or installation on nedopushchenie pregnancy (even when meaningly she to it or this aspires) if the husband of it or this does not wish can be induced.