Просмотр полной версии : Hello, uv. Elena Andreevna! I in a panic... I wish to grow thin, but. .s mornings...

Natalia *
24.05.2004, 18:19
Hello, uv. Elena Andreevna! I in a panic... I wish to grow thin, but. .s mornings all I do or make correctly (I grow thin on system Vesonabljudatelej, began three times, it is a little (10 %) having dumped or reset weight, stopped, then typed or collected it or him back.) now problems with health: veins, knees, pressure. To me of 47 years. Desire to grow thin - huge. Stirs or prevents that to vechperu I gorge on. And not simply I wish to eat and I eat, instead of I notice, how nakidala in myself something under an outset so what hardly to breathe and it is necessary to resort to the help of Festalum. There is a desire to go to pull out all it in a toilet bowl. But it or this I do not do or I make, constrains pavor before unpleasant sensation of an acid through a nose, a mouth. I after a vomiting very longly cannot come in myself. I think, at me a bulimia (can, too much nachitalas clever books?) but that that I nazhirajus (excuse, but - to another it to name difficultly) sometimes even among night, not remembering at times that I have swallowed is the fact... Prompt...

25.05.2004, 08:24
Well you torment yourselves! First change the menu. Do not buy fat and sweet products, hold houses vegetables and fruit which like and eat them, cook kashki and supchiki, bread buy otrubnoj or grain, it is possible rye, but not white. Also borrow or occupy in any sports which are even not not exhausting, and it is simple any for you pleasant, for example, navigation. Go to a sauna, now summer, walk more. And it is enough of it or this to grow thin. I so did or made and at me it has turned out also effect have remained. And if will torment itself, it will be unnatural for your organism and you will type or collect again weight.

27.05.2004, 00:30
For what to grow thin it would be necessary to change the attitude or relation first of all. I weighed almost 80 kg at body height 161. And during one moment has understood, that so I can not any more. I have simply ceased to eat and drink (except for simple water) after 18 00. Seldom, when at all in mogatu ate an apple. It is very complex or difficult, but effect shaking or amazing;tremendous. Now 60 kg. To me easily and conveniently. Change the attitude or relation (in a head) to meal. You work on a toilet bowl. It is possible to spend money more correctly and competently. And absence of memory (when eat at night) it only the justification for itself. Do not regret itself, and undertake health at full speed.

30.05.2004, 10:51
At me the same problem with weight. At job I in such "clamp" that I can not eat. We have dinner with the husband in 8 - 9 evenings. He harmonous as a poplar, and I get fat. How much has tried any diets and preparations! I can dump or reset 10 - 12 kg, but it is necessary to lower efforts, I type or collect more, than has lost. At me on a refrigeration cabinet a sticker: " Will suffice to guzzle and so the cow! " Only remorses and more anything.

01.06.2004, 21:41
Well why the majority of women so are prevented on growing thin? Having pair superfluous kg frame such tragedy of all zhizni-) From it or this, from similar ideas and get fat even more! There Are at me two classmates, they the best girl-friends, I only communicate with them, so one very much hudenkaja, another, well we shall tell or say, pyshechka, I it or her cannot name even full. Very interesting, nice and to men, on my observations, she is pleasant! And so, that which hudenkaja, constantly banters at the girlfriend, to grow thin a pier it is necessary, absolutely creep both t. d and t. Item She all over again with humour concerned, refused, and here suddenly such to me has given out recently... Has got speaks mnenja, I a year with its or her husband sleep and it is not necessary to me, and so... Here and a conclusion, like itself, like itself such what are, then and not vozniknit desires nakushatsja for the night, you in fact like yourselves?! Only in any case, the pair superfluous kg, is not necessary such experiences and if absolutely a trouble then it is necessary to search for the doctor, instead of to torture.

02.06.2004, 20:08
Business not in that when is, and that is!!! It is possible to eat and in 10 evenings, and at midnight, but nizkolorijnuju nutrition...

Natalia *
04.06.2004, 10:18
Thanks everything, but the principle has again worked: THE RICH DON'T KNOW HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES!!! If all was ONLY in otsustvii will powers or in unwillingness... .vsyo it is much more complex or difficult... I look forward to hearing vracha-the psychologist about the BULIMIA!!???

The anonym
06.06.2004, 09:36
klimaks (

06.06.2004, 19:08
What here to prompt - the basic problem that full people gorge on for the night. Take to itself for a rule not is IN GENERAL after seven. - it will not turn out to another in any way!

07.06.2004, 03:28
Natalia, I not the doctor, but at you am very similar to a bulimia. Do not look forward to hearing the doctor here because the doctor it is borrowed or occupied and not often responds. Address to the psychotherapist INTERNALLY!

08.06.2004, 08:05
Intensively it is necessary to be engaged in sex for putting off or taking out of weight, but you already such adult tetenka, can at you with it or this naprjazhenka.