Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me very uneasy situation. For two weeks before wedding lips...

27.05.2004, 23:18
Hello! At me very uneasy situation. For two weeks before wedding has arranged the big scandal, at all or even not scandal, probably, it was nervous failure. After that I have started to recollect all that was not pleasant to me in my groom. It is necessary to tell or say, that my parents from the very beginning of our attitudes or relations were not absolutely pro and after that in general began to mind, describe categorically my future life with its or his parents, in conditions of construction (he builds the house). Though I never wished to live in the private or individual house, noja kak-that svyklas with this idea and all this seemed to me not such and awful. Attitudes or relations at us were simply remarkable: for 1, 5 years from which year we practically lived together, we did not have any scandal, we always found common language. Its or his friends have been assured, that we shall get married (they of it or this simply my friends waited), and as was found out were against it or this: you do not approach or suit each other (externally we absolutely different: He below me and simply purely or cleanly externally different), at it or him absolutely other education: not important that outside - the main thing, that inside, and I always great value gave accuracies, to tidy appearance. As a result I have cancelled wedding one week prior to a list. And now I feel, that it or him does not suffice me, I miss, to us was so well together.

The anonym
28.05.2004, 11:50
Below body height is a terrible tragedy, worthy Shakespeare's feather. Poor your groom!

29.05.2004, 07:17
To your groom has carried, that so happens. The god has allocated or removed.. Your arms or hand. Give the god that so all and remains.

29.05.2004, 13:08
Speak so: if you doubt, whether to marry you, - means, there is no love. And the love should be a jerk to creation of family. And more: everything, that is done or made, - all to the best. But, dear or expensive Tanjusha, you already at that age when the opinion of associates cannot be the basic criterion changing your own destiny. Besides, when you like - friends, mum, the aunt of August not the decree:)))

29.05.2004, 18:50
And what now? Advice or council, support is necessary to You? Why you have decided to address here?
In any case that all is not done or made to the best...

31.05.2004, 09:13
You very strong person! My mum has divorced from the father when to me was not goda-and she told, that for a week up to svadby-as now, govorit-pomnju-vacuumed a carpet, and cried, has understood suddenly, that he is not necessary to me, but it was already inconvenient, visitors from all Union already have been invited, and the family at us was such, that in city on vidu-maminy parents were at very solid postah-both. Result... That time, that they have lived with mine papashej-she thought, that will go mad. Whether and consequently when I was going to zamuzh-she me all time sprashivala-there is no at me such feeling. I govorila-was not present, but, can, more that it or her to not disturb. Hotja-we for two weeks before wedding have gone in Buharest-and there too much was not pleasant to me. I forced itself to pass past though about itself these moments marked or celebrated. As a result I have married, we live five years vmeste-is shaky, shakily. Children I to get or start not hochu-here that at me is exact est-" that feeling ". It is necessary most likely to start to build new family because children to get or start it is necessary. But not with it or him. Morals of this long opusa-it is correct, bravoooooooooooooo!))))))

01.06.2004, 06:24
I wanted, but could not, escape one day prior to the wedding... Business all the same has terminated divorce, but how much it was necessary to go through. (though can and to the best, became cleverer). But I always regretted, that could not make anything before wedding...

01.06.2004, 14:46
At me a similar situation: my young man below me body height and my friends speak all, that we not pair, and all its or his friends and relatives pro or even not against. I very much like it or him, but vse-taki I doubt, that to us udastsja something to construct, that sooner or later the opinion of associates will prevail over my feelings. Very hardly. In marriage calls for a long time, but I pull and I pull. Simply I am afraid. Can at somebody there are happy examples of mutual relations when there is a non-standard difference in body height. It would help or assist me. Thanks.

02.06.2004, 14:37
Eh you, people. Heart does not know doubts. If doubts are, your feeling not feeling, and so, idea in a head means. You yet have not found love.

03.06.2004, 11:41
Svetlana, I know many such pairs. It that, the only thing, what stops you? In that case long live your union!

The mouse
04.06.2004, 15:01
That you above nego-is nonsense, I know pair, where the wife on 8 see above the husband so he, on the contrary, is proud of it or this. And here the difference in education and education can negatively affect or negatively have an effect your further life. Think properly of your attitudes or relations... .kstati, it is direct before wedding many girls worry and start to doubt, what is it that person. Have recollected all its or his disadvantages?.. .my all not ideal and if, these disadvantages did not strain you, you could be reconciled easy with them and to speak there is nothing. Anything to you I shall not advise, you will think and will understand and, the main thing, solve all, without advice or councils of friends and parents.

05.06.2004, 16:05
The husband of your friend is proud, and here she? It is difficult to believe, that the woman can not notice at all it or this, it seems to me, that she can reconcile to it or this only. And then in fact itself you begin imperceptibly from yourself sutulitsja, it so stirs or prevents to itself!

The mouse for Svetlana
06.06.2004, 06:37
At it or her body height 178 see and she not only does not hesitate, but also on heels hodit-) Though this question is very individual, and if you confuses, that you above the young man it hardly will pass or take place

The anonym
06.06.2004, 21:40
My mum told, that already went in the wedding machine or car to the REGISTRY OFFICE and cried, that did not wish to marry my daddy:-). But she vse-taki has left, because it was a pity to her of the money spent for wedding, my grandmother and the invited relatives.
As a result - divorce soon.
I wish good luck!

08.06.2004, 00:19
Was on sale means!