Просмотр полной версии : People, tell or say, if know - whether there are researches on a subject: " Most blagoprija...

The second lieutenant
02.06.2004, 21:04
People, tell or say, if know - whether there are researches on a subject: " the Most favorable difference in the age of between spouses "???

03.06.2004, 15:04
And so now sit and listen...)))))
The second lieutenant, the most favorable raznitsa-if to average and to not consider feature of the person and sex predpochtenij-that years 8 10 in favour of the man. But all this is so conditional. .potomu that that we have not taken now into consideration, just and defines or determines an optimum difference in each separate case.... _

04.06.2004, 03:51
That difference when it or her nezamechaesh is favorable, and in any sphere of a life (household, sexual) all was OK!

The anonym
05.06.2004, 14:23
4 8 years. For fishes and it is more.

The anonym
06.06.2004, 11:22
4 8 years. For fishes and it is more.

07.06.2004, 04:55
What delirium! H.p. - the unique reasonable person among you.