Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! In advance I am sorry, if has addressed to the wrong address...

04.06.2004, 10:19
Hello, the doctor! In advance I am sorry, if has addressed to the wrong address, but, maybe, you vse-taki will advise something.
I married for the American of 5 years. And we have a problem which I yet in a status to solve - meal. He lived a bachelor till 40 years, to itself prepared, ate hamburgers and hot-mastiffs, the Mexican nutrition, in a word ate opposite from me. I try to prepare more vegetables - he does not like them, fruit cost or stand on a table - has never touched, - does not like rice, a potato eats zharenuju - but every day for it or her will not prepare?! I shall not tire you with transfer of everything in what our gustatory interests do not coincide, I shall tell or say only, that very much often I eat the, he - the . And all anything, BUT - at us two children, and is not pleasant to me, that the husband accustoms already the son to hot-to mastiffs and other things. All my hints on that, what is it not absolutely healthy nutrition, remain without attention. To the husband it is fast 50 and, - to mine, it is age when it is necessary to eat more cautiously (he already complains of a stomach), not is acute and very spicy nutrition (he it adores). How much I tried to discuss with it or him it, he agrees with me, but all remains as before. I feel myself the careless mistress: the table does not unite us, and postpones from each other. Children grow up, all this see (though I and I try to not point at it or this of attention) and instead of amicably eating that, for example, mum (t. e.) has prepared, at us goes full raznoboj. I - at deadlock. I do not think, that in the right to press on the husband, in fact he in the same way can ask to change me the habits, and - the decision is not present. I swallow of tears every day. Perhaps, you will advise something? Thanks in advance.
P. S. pol-year back husband handed over a blood on a cholesterin, and so it or he had a small excess of norm or rate. I tried to convince it or him, what is it - result of a unhealthy delivery, but he has found a heap of excuses. e. Even it has not guarded it or him.

Buharov J.M.
05.06.2004, 05:39
Hello! As to a delivery of your spouse - he the adult person also is free to choose to itself a diet at own discretion, you it or him have informed the blessing on consequences of this or that choice. And here children are already an another matter: you, as mother, have the full moral right to insist on the concerning their delivery. I am am confused a little with another: not absolutely clearly, why the table should be the uniting beginning in family? Or the different diet speaks about mutual dislike? Why suddenly a little __ (though also native each other!) people are obliged to like behind a table the same? Kakim-any, forgive or excuse, socialist education from it or this veet...

05.06.2004, 08:10
To the beloved should not be laziness fry a potato though 24 hours per day) And small excess of a cholesterin, especially it or him nizkoplotnostnyh particles in a blood - the indication for reception gipolipidemicheskih preparations, priderzhivanija diets with the lowered maintenance or contents of Adepses therefore as conducts to advance of development of an atherosclerosis that threatens, at least a stenocardia, an infarct and other troubles. And explain to the husband, or let the family doctor will explain. Men are afraid of malfunctions in health. If to them it correctly to present - should work. Success.

06.06.2004, 01:31
You any more do not overpersuade the husband in occasion of meal, and here children let eat healthy nutrition!!!

06.06.2004, 10:16
Too abruptly you have taken, on pereuchivanie will leave much more time. It is necessary while to prepare the husband separately, separately. The more you insist and you impose, the more negative emotions in relation to you. To press it is necessary to be able)))

06.06.2004, 16:55
The human body, gets used to certain nutrition, on new meal there is a reaction is more often. In makdonalse nutrition tasty or delicious while eat, and then strange sensation in a stomach as though for nitochku from you, it or her have pulled out.