Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! In avgste 2002 I have recoloured (paint) (painfully strongly...

04.06.2004, 01:52
The dear doctor! In avgste 2002 I have recoloured (paint) (painfully strongly torknulo in a head), sensation of the unreal world (as everything, that proishodit-is a dream), was frightened. And after that at me all still is sensation of the unreal world, pavor of this status. I went to the psychotherapist he have told or said, what is it iz-for awkward age. To me of 16 years. Did or made EEG (result) - (In conditions of the given record it is recorded the moderate diffusive or diffuse changes of bioelectric activity of a brain. Background activity is a little bit disorganized, presented deformed the Alpha ritmlm 10, beta by a rhythm 20 on all abductions, deformed teta a rhythm 6 and in a small degree. Zone differences are smoothed or maleficiated. Reactions on functional proby-at gipervintiljatsii and rhythmic fotostimuljatsii-paroksizmopodobnye flashes an alpha and beta a range. On picture EEG presence rezidualno-an organic background, dysfunction of nonspecific median structures or frames of a brain, indirect attributes paroksizmalnoj readiness) is not excluded. Have registered NOOTROPILUM (in capsules) and FINLEPSINUM. Please explain what is it? And whether cures? Whether Also the truth, what is it iz-for awkward age, and that I very much worry. HELP or ASSIST PLEASE! IN ADVANCE THANKS!

Priests A.G.
05.06.2004, 15:15
Uvazhajmyj our organism samovostanavlivajushchejsja. Further on less in 16 years pay attention to the diagnosis, etc. that you have described not that terrible. Go in for sports, fiz. nagruski. Cool douche in the mornings. An alternating douche. Transitive the organism trebujutsja scoldings has more instead of in computer to hang and analyze age EEG (on it there are experts). Drink vitamins, accept whenever possible healthy pishchju. Eventually find to itself the girl emotional perezhevanija to you will be on advantage or benefit. Success.