Просмотр полной версии : Here I with the problemkami. Again about mum MCH. As I already wrote, she about...

26.05.2004, 21:10
Here I with the problemkami. Again about mum MCH. As I already wrote, she very pleasant woman. One but! She is very spoilt. Does not work, as hardly hurted or was ill;was sick, now feels perfectly for its or her age, in the whole days or in park walks, or on shops goes. MCH it or her completely contains. No, it it's OK, and should be. But here last time she has started at MCH to ask very dear or expensive things activly. For example, all over again she began to speak that wishes to go with us on the sea. We have planned a trip not cheap, now we try to find money. But on the sun it is impossible for her - have dissuaded. Then she to Austria wants. Understand, it dearly or expensively too and now is not possible or probable in any way. We just and so with her to Paris have gone, now here do not know, whether it will be possible as it would be desirable to have a rest. But I am afraid, that she will ask later it or her to send it or him there and then we plainly on the sea cannot go. And rest is simply necessary for both of us. On the rest I can earn itself, and for two already was not present. But in fact and one you will not go! It is simply insulting, we and so all for it or her we do or make, that will ask all MCH to her buys, I constantly pass gifts to her, she such eats products, what we cannot allow ourselves. Well like all there is at the person, and an apartment excellent or different (my-that we remove or we take out a terrible peasant house), and all the blessings, and cares any, and he to her goes constantly, and calls on 4 times on day, and treatment at it or her was the best. But here now she is capricious also that there, up to here wants, as if or as does not understand, that we not millionaires and that on this all to earn, we stick - black, MCH almost every day for 14 hours at job spends. As also at any moment treatment can be necessary for me. Understand me correctly, on itself me perfectly suffices, but for two already is not present. And her simply boringly houses to sit. And I am afraid, if I shall start to hint him, that we cannot so its or his mum to indulge (in sense zagranpoezdok) he will take offence. As all time with her to have a rest to go to me it would not be desirable. It would be desirable together with liked pobyt. But also it or her one to send at us too money will not suffice. Thus I am good to her I concern, and she to me too though I am am enraged terribly, that by her when ong she is called in the evening, with all time sprashivet, and whether is at us meal, and whether I can prepare. It is insulting directly! In fact knows, that I many years one live also meal in a refrigeration cabinet is always. And suddenly I its or her child hungry shall leave that!

28.05.2004, 02:02
What strange mum at yours MCH: - ((to Me it seems, that sooner or later, but it is necessary to her kak-to explain that that its or her son - not bottomless a flank, that money have property to come to an end (to tell or say to her: " Has sufficed only on 2 permits, and on 3 ju already is not present:-)) " I Understand, that you cannot make it or this, so it is necessary to try to talk to the MCH, for example, that you wish to be with it or him together, instead of with its or his mum though and it is awful to you nice. I here have thought - there can be she so is jealous the son of you? And about meal - next time, when she will call to learn or find out, whether there is in hol-ke a meal, it is necessary to snatch out at MCH a tube and to tell or say to her: " Certainly, has terminated! We of money for the permit for you have spent all! ":-)))

The anonym
29.05.2004, 06:47
Vse razgovori bespolezni. On po vsei veroyatnosti edinstvenii sinochik. I eto vse bydet dlitsya do konza ee dnei.

02.06.2004, 01:21
Noticeably as she to you is nice:)) At you RIVALRY. And what you before her stelistes? It is not necessary. Tell or say to the husband that do not wish to have a rest with its or his mum. Declare itself! You that a zero? But all is correct and without encroachments on money which are earned by HIM.

05.06.2004, 02:58
Such mum is very dangerous, she simply is jealous the son of you. It is necessary to talk to it or him directly about that that there is mum but is also you.