Просмотр полной версии : Oh, stand up, people kind. I tomorrow should be spoken much on one ofi...

01.06.2004, 16:52
Oh, stand up, people kind. I tomorrow should be spoken much on one ofitsialno-hostile long meroprijatiii, and I have caught a cold also a nose now wet. 8 (as in record-breaking short terms to get rid of a rhinitis?

02.06.2004, 00:22
It is necessary to work: finely cut (! Instead of radavi) a lobe of garlic. Shift in marlechku 44 sm, accurately curtail or turn. Make not a hard flagella and so that could pass or take place air through. Enclose in a nostril. The same - in another. So breathe, resemble with them. Be accurate. If you will soil a gauze from different directions, it will be terrible to burn down mucous. An agent checked up. You can repeat. Down

03.06.2004, 08:21
Thanks, I shall try or taste))

Well here
04.06.2004, 16:26
Moisten with Naphthyzinum vatochki on matches and thrust in both nostrils. Do not take out minutes 15. Then once again. Viduha, certainly, not ochen-type as Fester represented (in cafe with Gomesom and ladies), but fine helps or assists.

04.06.2004, 22:21
Tablets are from prostudy-type koldreksa-they a rhinitis too clean or remove at some o'clock, Naphthyzinum nearby poluchasa operates or works