Просмотр полной версии : PARABLE.... Two friends went in desert. During one moment they have argued also one of...

09.05.2004, 17:57
PARABLE.... Two friends went in desert. During one moment they have argued also one of them has given a slap in the face to another. Last, feeling a pain, but nothing speaking, has written on sand: " Today my best friend has given me a slap in the face. " They continued to go, and have found an oasis in which they have decided to be expiated. What has received a slap in the face, hardly has not sunk, and its or his friend has rescueed or saved it or him. When he has come to the senses, he has written on a stone: Today my best friend has rescueed or saved to me a life. The one who has given a slap in the face and which has rescueed or saved a life to the friend has asked it or him: " When I have offended you, you have written on sand, and now you write nakamne. Why? " The friend has responded: " When someone offends us, we should write it on sand that winds could erase it. But when someone does or makes something good, we should engrave it on a stone that no wind could erase it ". Learn to write insults on sand and to engrave pleasures on a stone. Leave a few or a little;little bit time for a life! And let it will be easy or light and svetlo...

The anonym
12.05.2004, 18:16
If, at a full daylight, priests and knizhniki raspjali Innocent, what will be during midnight orgies and the orgies poured by a blood zilotov and murderers? It was day of a crime: there will be a day when the crime will be it or him for itself the avenger.

Frederik Century Farrar

16.05.2004, 15:48
The good parable, and the main thing during has appeared in time:-)))

Ksjusha personally to the Ant
18.05.2004, 22:05
Allow to esteem all this Nike, she neproshibaema in the oversight: - (((

22.05.2004, 01:47
ksjusha, even angrily happens goods..... When dies.

The anonym
22.05.2004, 19:58
If you want, that understood you, try to understand others.
If you want, that liked you - - like others.
If you want, that tolerantly concerned to you - - be able to show
Tolerance to another.
These or It "if" it is possible to continue infinitely, putting any concept. And
While the person will not learn to concern to another as to itself, will not be
Harmonies neither in its or his world own, nor in the World of General Life. It concerns or touches
All also should be remembered it or this always, and to apply incessantly.
Tongue that he could use it or him for the sanction of all is given to the person
Questions, but quite often people forget about it or this, wishing to keep silent, hoping, that
All will be solved by itself. And if the person does not use the main weapon
Dialogue - - tongue - - it tupitsja, loses the force and as a result is taken away. Tongue
It or Him becomes as it is poor, as a begging beggar, and in its or his stock remains
It is so much words, how much coins in a palm of the beggar on which he hardly can
To live.

Parables are philosophical prescriptions
25.05.2004, 05:12
Be afraid to die prokljatym
With the soul blackened from rage.
There will be your rest taken away
In a life your unearthly.

Darstvuj kindly prizhiznenno,
To soul or douche another's honouring,
Love svoeju true
Like others, not itself.

And an eternal distance of pleasure
Your soul will comprehend or overtake.
All do or make for perfection,
Not a harm, and goods creating...

Izbavi the God to be enraged with Adeps.
To sell all or all to buy or purchase,
And to not leave a drop to the world,
That he could value her or it.
Do not give me the God, to leave in obscurity,
Anybody to leave this light.
Does not flatter me slavoju popularity.
Give, the God to leave to the world a trace....

28.05.2004, 06:11
Bojus-) Thanks for fairy tales. An ant, yesterday all family walked in botanical to a garden, and now examining photos has suddenly found out one suspicious law... Where I, there and an ant hill))))

28.05.2004, 08:23
Nika, it not law, is a sign on destiny:)))) How much or As far as you were acute, naming one of anonyms the Ant, at all do not represent........:)))))) I am very grateful to you for this nik as he is very close to me under the internal maintenance or contents. For the sake of justice I shall tell or say - being scattered everywhere "chicken", you were awfully far from true:)))))))) Therefore, I make the offer on voting: to dig a "chicken" axe of war under an ant hill. I FOR, and you?

Ant-???N 00.00.04.
29.05.2004, 15:53
Without comments. Ljalka where why is silent in aske?

31.05.2004, 16:18
Has left with the friend on nadelku on southern coasts. There at them chiki-bunches, verses read all, the office writes, firm lift:-)))

02.06.2004, 08:59
Ant, remain better itself. Leave kroham to work on glory of the relatives:-)))

03.06.2004, 12:43
Thanks, Ksjush, and you of the same... And I also remain myself, notwithstanding, under anybody I here or under a name:)