Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, tell or say how to name this status. To me 24, from them vs...

30.05.2004, 11:49
The dear doctor, tell or say how to name this status. To me 24, from them all some or a little bit tens days I lived as the normal person - that is, I did not experience, as I look or appear, that I should make urgent, etc. about 8 Years ago, before entering in institute I have started to go on courses - and in the underground I constantly reddened - it seemed to me, that all at me look. The matter is that I since the childhood am very closed (till 6 years me more daddy brought up - he very closed person in itself), constantly I hesitate, the feeling of awkwardness is familiar to me not on naslyshke, iz-for it or this at me attitudes or relations with many people therefore as I once again am afraid to ask, demand the, etc. spoil And in occasion of to defend itself is at all about me. Kakoe-any time I went to the psychologist (except for my psychologist nobody knew about it or this), dialogue with it or him it has helped or assisted me. I read, that till 8 years at the child character is formed - and so I remember the core as it seems to me in my childhood: Arrival rovesnikov-brothers, sisters to us in gosti-all of us we play toys, and my daddy speaks, that we (with the sister, younger) shall clean or remove all. And so very much often - we should wash up utensils, etc. Though any praise. I since the childhood very independent - a vacation take or spend houses, should take away the sister from is put. A garden, school, etc. At school I responded, for delivery of writing-books was the head of a class the head in institute and t. d, and thus at everything, I awfully complexed, hesitated, tried to merge with a wall. (why that was suddenly recollected - I now work in decent firm (with moim-that "diagnosis") and when me have raised or increased my daddy have told or said - " And what, could not take from other sectionings? Also it was very much pleased, that now at us will be more money. - but it so, deviation from the text.) But everything, that I do or make, I cannot finish, or I lead up or I take, and it seems to me, that it was possible to make all better. To all other, I am very subject to change of moods. (it can vegetatika - at me vegeto-a vascular dystonia). Appearance at me attractive and consequently to meet someone for me not a problem, and here attitudes or relations with associates to me to save very hardly. Excuse for confusion, but I write and it seems, that I do or make all this in vain. To me to like to go in the evening in the winter: anybody will not see you, does not look, etc. And now the summer, and for me a continuous flour or torment again begins. Do not find or consider for delirium, but it is all a reality.

Oksana (korneewa@narod.ru)
30.05.2004, 18:41
.. As it is familiar to me... Almost about me, strangely enough...

01.06.2004, 06:20
All is reperable if very strongly to want! If there is an opportunity - to live exclusively separately from parents! You for a long time already should nothing to them, and if you earlier on a head did not iron, now to you, to the adult person, it should be to what. Every day it is necessary to make the plan of "feat" and to carry out it or him, and then certainly pooshcherjat itself, beloved. Do not try to save the attitude or relation with associates - they need to be supported or maintained, at what, the sincere and you will be more natural, the is easier it will turn out, here will see - people will start to search your society. Do not abuse itself for change of mood - well such at you character, well and what plohogo-that? If it is sad - cry, look or see what nibud tearful kinoshku, eat something vkusnenkoe, say, go at itself on an occasion and do not take in head itself to abuse for it! Understand, you of anything should nobody and is not obliged, doing or making something, think not of opinion of associates, and on own benefit (and moral including) From the actions. " The daddy has told or said... " - and you to him respond! Do not argue, do not give estimations, simply easy let to him know, that you inform it or him on the life not for reception of an estimation, and just for the hell of it from dialogue. Show aggression - beat utensils, raise or increase a voice, enter the name on carat or karate, do or make something! Also know - not at once, but you will exchange!

02.06.2004, 01:44
Devchenki, it passes or takes place with the years
If postararatsja - on myself I know

Bobrov A.E.
02.06.2004, 17:22
With such status as you, to the psychotherapist and the psychiatrist obrashchetsja is a lot of people. At all of them the diagnosis - a social phobia. It in obshchem-that neurotic frustration with some share hereditary predraspolozhennostii a frequent combination to depression. It is treated by means of a psychotherapy (not casually, that the psychologist has helped or assisted you). Besides also antidepressants quite often help or assist.