Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! To me 23 years. Earlier I did not complain of health, was...

01.06.2004, 10:04
Hello, the Doctor! To me 23 years. Earlier I did not complain of health, was cheerful and optimistical, but approximately one year ago my state of health has sharply changed: approximately odnu-two weeks I feel normally, thus I eat and I drink all (zharenym and smoked I do not abuse), but after the awful period me diko toshnit, especially begins when I am nervous and in buses, stuffy premises or rooms, burns down a stomach, often diarrhea and a giddiness, pressure, delicacy goes down, few times even lost consciousness, but after again I feel normally on couple of weeks. Doctors have found a small gastritis and a congenital flexure of a cholic bubble (earlier I did not suffer from it or him) and have registered tjumbazhi and almagel, but - to mine it badly or only for a while pomagaet. Iz-for these attacks which 2 4 days to me proceed was necessary to leave work. Has described these signs to the gastroenterologist and he has advised to address to the endocrinologist, my doctor has told or said, that shchetovidka at me uvelichina is admissible and has registered an antistrumin. The "Virtual" endocrinologist has written the following: " it is similar to an attack vegeto-a vascular dystonia, or PA. Glance on konf. The psychiatrist, there it is full of people with these signs ". Whether tell or say, please, be valid my signs can from this dystonia and what such PA? Recently I had - mnogu to be nervous what to remove or take off a strain I drank very little, and to horror has noticed, that my status strongly worsens next day, nothing would be desirable, comes dipressija, the nausea and a stomach ache, strongly stirs up. Help or assist, please, advice or council, t. To. To the real doctor I can get only in the extremity or end of September.

Bobrov A.E.
02.06.2004, 00:20
Unequivocally to qualify your status it is difficult. It is necessary to find out a lot of details. It is very important to make electroencephalographic (EEG) inspection. At you a lot of the signs really testifying about vegetative dtsfunktsii. PA? - it is possible or probable, but it is not so typical. More likely the symptomatology corresponds or meets to one of forms t. n. somatizirovannyh depressions. It is impossible to exclude also premenstrualnuju a dysphoria i/or series paroksizmalnyh statuses. In general, without visiting the expert to you to not manage. Kakie-any preliminary (psychological, biographic) inspections can be spent, certainly, and on the Internet. But it should be paid. If be solved, write to me on e-a mail on bobrov@03. ru