Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, forgive or excuse, that you I distract. This question was already discussed in...

DED - to doctor Bobrovu
30.05.2004, 21:31
The dear doctor, forgive or excuse, that you I distract. This question was already discussed in konfe " Female psychology " on July, 26th, but vse-taki it would be desirable to hear your opinion.
I am sorry, that has written much. "vtjurilsja" (mutually) in the very young little girl (her 24, me 53, the wife two children, the grand daughter, with a kind not absolutely the crocodile). It is more than 3 years twitched, tried to be hidden from each other, she "became hysterical", spoke: that it or she has a guy, he will kill me, that she is too good for me, that we are looked as the daddy with a daughter, etc. I have turned grey, yet have not understood what to run up it will not be possible. Has then told or said, that I the madman and absolutely durachok. Hardly there is less than year has agreed to marry me back. Was going to to get divorced. But she all "becomes hysterical", from time to time hysterics. Wished to talk to parents, takes offence - " I not small! ". Has then told or said to parents. There, naturally, problems, she nothing speaks me, month two avoided occurrings. Has then told or said: " I have solved all! I do not like you! (???) " all next day has come running zarevannaja and promised so to not speak more. Calmed or abirritated about one month. I ask: " Well you marry me?! " Speaks: " To this question I shall not respond more! " Well, I think, at last that I marry, a pancake!!! But she again "becomes hysterical", some months are silent, by evenings is hidden, roars! I speak: " Well liked with you? Give we shall buy or purchase rings! Want I you I shall steal?.... You Want we shall leave kuda-nibud! " - is silent! Sometimes, apparently, that wishes something to tell or say, but is not solved. I understand only, that is afraid, that I shall leave. Only also I am engaged, that I calm or abirritate, on job I call time on 20 30. It, certainly, is pleasant to her, but I should to something do or make that! Tried to communicate to little girls and women from its or her job, speak nothing, you speak kak-nibud understand. But when will see me, greet, smile and as though push it or her to me, she is confused. In the middle of July "has caught" its or her father (he is younger than me). I speak: " It is necessary to something to solve! She becomes hysterical! " He speaks: " Not now!.... Only not today!.. .nu do not stick!... " It was visible, that they have any disassemblies. From time to time "drove" also the father (observed some times). To its or her father I try to talk practically every day (earlier he has told or said that I yet did not approach or suit to her), but he leaves from conversation. Does not escape, certainly, but bypasses the party or side, I so understand, lets know, that is not ready. Only shakes a head (type, " well and vlip ") and something mutters to itself under a nose. It is a little we vse-taki have talked. I to him have told or said, that very much it or her I like and that I want, that she was my wife if, certainly, she wants. He only has told or said: " She to you in the daughter suits... " Some days then avoided. I again, resolutely enough, "have driven" into it or him: " Listen, she cries... As she will tell or say, and will be! " He has kept silent. Has passed or has taken place more weeks, and I have understood, that he practically with it or this agrees. Now he, if goes with her, that, having seen me, departs from it or her to not stir or prevent. But she all "becomes hysterical", cries, is angry. Nothing speaks me. To tighten or delay all this it would not be desirable, and to run into it or her and on the father I am afraid, as though it or her to not lose!
From the wife I leave iz-that was not solved. It longly to explain... I do not wish to tighten or delay this leaving or care for months, to leave, so to leave. It can turn out so, that thus we cannot with her (duvushkoj) all time see, and she will think, that I throw it or her. She in such situations listens to nothing, takes offence. Two years to back my father did or made operation, and I two days could not meet her, its or her phone at me yet was not. Then month all was restored.
Now I can not decide where to rent the apartment, in other district, on other extremity or end of Moscow, in other city or still where. From me thus different steps, probably be required, it is necessary to change the job, to one me it was to be solved no, and she while is silent. I therefore also have written to understand what to do or make. Whether to wait for succession of events, whether to force, only it would not be desirable to receive "abortion". Where I would not move", forward or back, she, so to say, " puts me on a place, rebuffs ". But, on the other hand, if hardly will calm down, takes offence, that I do or make nothing and even starts to be angry.
A little more on her, there can be in it or this a business. She very much vyspylchiva, is sensitive, obstinate. Departs quickly, understands, what not the rights, but itself the step towards never will make. Will "pout, be angry with itself, but " any deviation ". The truth after strong quarrels some times approached or suited itself that has calmed. Yes, still I have not told or said. She very beautiful!!! To tell the truth, I to her would not approach or suit, if I had time to think. All has occured or happened at first sight! Naturally, admirers and simply different "goats" nemerjano. She also speaks: " I am spoilt by men... ". Sometimes is angry with me and it is demonstrative any friend under an arm or a hand will take and looks at me as I shall react. I very much experienced first time, and now there and then I turn and I leave - she then roars. Yes, happened, like quiet earlier, all is adjusted, will come running in the morning and not crying nearly: " At us nothing will turn out!!! " . I start to ask why, nothing spoken and with her with a hysterics. The truth such already for a long time was not. I thought the father is afraid.
She is certainly tired. And it seems to me, at it or her any as, probably, it seems to her, a unsoluble problem about which she is afraid to tell or say to me. It or she, certainly, strongly is frightened with ideas on the future, but to marry me she all taki has agreed, thus the kind at it or her was such as though from the plane without a parachute has jumped! She all time so, like is silent or abuses, even sometimes to me to speak does not give, something thinks, also something any step or at a walk then will be solved does or makes itself.
When to her I speak (not once), that I want kids, it is pleasant to her also she as - that calms down or is abirritated.
Still I spoke all time to her: " you do not like, you do not want - release or let off, I you am not insolent or hold! " Still spoke: " I need ALL or ANYTHING!!! " Now so I do not speak, very much takes offence. Only very seldom I speak: " I Shall be not necessary - you will release or will let off! ", but takes offence all the same.
I can certainly absolutely the fool, but I am afraid to exhaust it or her in "angle". See - whether, I know, that she likes me, I know, that the hysterics wishes to be together but as soon as it is necessary to make last step, even less, at it or her. And, believe, she does not play and not " holds me on short to vodka ".

Bobrov A.E.
31.05.2004, 13:19
It, certainly, is called love. Feeling strong, but, most likely, not so proof. While you are separated, it is saved. At a joint life it is a lot of chances that he soon will pass or take place. But nevertheless while your experiences are perfect. If you ask my advice or council I would advise to be together without registration of marriage or spoilage. And to record attitudes or relations not earlier than in a year. I think, that surrounding such plot will apprehend most tolerantly. Children too to get or start would not advise. You should be also ready to changes (though certainly they are unessential).

01.06.2004, 15:56
The doctor, many thanks!