Просмотр полной версии : Present that you have grown fond also your partner lives a life which much more luchsh...

20.05.2004, 19:23
Present that you have grown fond also your partner lives a life which much better, more sanguineously, more variously and more interestingly than your life till this time (almost as SHantel). You start to understand where years have gone or send, same was so simply, on a surface, and you lived blindly. .hochetsja to change in that direction, but hurriedly it is impossible... Changes at a deep level are necessary, she helps or assists on the, the book will allow to esteem, something will tell... But all the same the distance in a year between us big, seems she starts to be irritated. .hotja SPEAKS that likes... But I strain such it or her and I press sometimes, whether recently even cried such problem or task Has the decision and whether it is necessary to solve it or her in general?

21.05.2004, 16:34
It is good there where we are not present, especially, if in the same place is and the liked person.

21.05.2004, 19:48
I rotate from the early childhood in the medium approximately close to yours. Time I such retentive have appeared, what even later week I remember yours nik - that prosvjatite on friendship - as your life malointeresnoj-that can seem to you? What such attractive (what even it is necessary to regret about the missed opportunities) can be for you in its or her life? At you - exact mentality, at it or her - it is probable, humanitarian... You harmoniously supplement it or her, she you. You different, and it is perfect. Its or her some acts seem to you unexpected and even malopostizhimymi... And anything! Will reel up, as they say, on a moustache, henceforth will consider and hurrah! If All of you years worked on village senovozom - could understand your doubts. You are interesting to her, and, means, you it or her are worthy... It seems to me, to solve especially anything to you it is not necessary, simply academism prevents to become you pofigistom on a life (Vulgar, certainly, sleng, but something now I not in a voice, excuse). kak-that not seems to me, that to you is iz-for what to worry. And, it is thought to me, she very much likes you also such what you are, but simply in fact there is no limit to perfection... CHemu-and you in fact in the ochored it or her learn or teach something, let and not in an obvious kind.

22.05.2004, 05:11
You aspire to become such as she? And what for? You are a person, you are individual, unique. If you like your way of life, live the life. If wish to become such as she is more difficultly. You should work much above yourselves. You are assured, what it is necessary to you? If I was more intellectual, rather than my friend, I would not began to strain its or his demands as me my husband now does not strain: he is much more senior, is more formed and erudirovan, but does not force me to read that to me is uninteresting. I am interesting to him in itself, as the person, as the woman.

23.05.2004, 13:57
I did not write what not interesting, I wrote that it or her more interestingly than mine...

23.05.2004, 21:04
It agree with Oksana. We fall in love already with ready object of our adoration!!!
Here at me other situation - I the master (able fingers) what to make for me my love. I take a crude material (girl), I work with it or him, as Daddy Karlo with buratinoj. I frame that I like in the person. I the complex or difficult person and consequently it is complex or difficult to me to find my adherent and the more so, in a society love. To have to work above the individual order.
Interestingly, here there is who that similar to me?

25.05.2004, 09:06
What for to cross out all last life? Lived, as were able, and as it turned out. Both from you still should have something the, but if with you love you simply will create the general or common for you a part of a life. Frame, she can be most raznoj-depending on your creative and mutual impulses.)

26.05.2004, 01:33
Well, I also feel myself such Buratino, me frame but it strains me a little, like me not and do not ask

26.05.2004, 08:23
Well, I also feel myself such Buratino, me frame but it strains me a little, me do or make without me

27.05.2004, 05:29
Well, let, really, its or her life is more interesting than yours (destiny, job, career, an environment, making related - I recognize, all it happens rather rznoobraznym, and not only it depends on us...) and why it has started to afflict you now? Vy-such interesting person, me all is not believed, that presence at your loved firm on a psychoanalysis (oh if I again nothing has confused), or something or something else of the same level, causes in you so strong regret about not come true... Can, will illustrate?

27.05.2004, 16:26
Have confused nothing. Iljustratsii - zhena-benzopila and three children - the general or common background, a context of an event.

28.05.2004, 11:31
At me the two, the husband I appreciate, but in such situation would prefer divorce. It is impossible? Or while it to do or make especially there is nobody?

29.05.2004, 15:26
And can you to her envy and from it or this reproach itself, what you can not have similar? Or you with her now, what are a little pobyt in its or her beautiful and interesting life? Well it is normal, all mankind to aspire to the best. But here there is more terribly a question: if not the love moves you, and interest. Then it can be left at a level of friendship. To be friends of the person which life is very interesting to you. Thus you also will be almost already in this similar situation. Do not oppress itself. Learning new - we grow.

30.05.2004, 12:56
Similar case with my niece. She is very erudite and intellectually developed girl moderately believing and it is very natural. And so, the guy not a high level of development has persistently taken a great interest in her, and even the fan or amateur to drink. Does not like books or high subjects for conversation. voobshchem any, but very kind and friendly. Achieved it or her promptly. Well, has achieved. But my girl understands. That does not see with it or him the general or common interests, - that interests it or her is is absolutely uninteresting to him. Then she has offered, that he would start to read though newspapers or to look documentary films, what to have interesting vremoprovozhdenie together.
She only wished to help or assist to become him for it or her more ljubimim, desired and interesting. And, now I think, that is possible or probable, he as thinks, that she wishes to change it or him maliciously! But in fact it he persistently achieves to be with her. He does not understand. That except for job, seka, dinners, is as a free time when it is necessary to fill it or him with interesting things, what nechuvstvovalos boredom and need or requirement to decorate this time only alcohol.

30.05.2004, 15:59
Eva. I read newspapers:)) But you are possible or probable and the rights - the situation is similar but at higher level.
He. Moves not only love and this or thus the most important.
Elena. Divorce will be irrespective of there will be I with her or not. But, at it or her the husband and as she speaks, I to myself have adjusted or have set up all and it would not be desirable to destroy or blast. She agrees that I have moved to its or her city, lived there and she to me will come, I wrote earlier, she can on neskolku not show days at home. She speaks - believe me, to you it will be good, whether I am not assured the classical family, and to you too is necessary to me.
Here so.

The idle wife
30.05.2004, 23:17
About! I should get into another's dialogue! Dear Oho! At us it was direct, as at you... Too I was afraid to break all, but only only iz-for children. Always considered or counted, that divorce is awfully, the native father is necessary to children, my liked cannot support all of us (were just then abrupt naprjagi with job), etc. and t. Item To put it briefly, on me this illegitimate communication or connection looked or appeared, as on the cow a saddle. But to not like IT or HIM I could not... And the further, the was more acutely understood, that any life without it or him - a continuous lethargy. And gradually got used to an idea, that leaving or care from the husband is inevitable. Now the husband has agreed to divorce on - but HE has not waited this moment... He married, having told or said to me at parting, that I the best... It I to that all can cardinally change and in your attitudes or relations from your beloved... To in total you kind!

01.06.2004, 13:34
The report (yes... nik though where...) Has suggested an idea me - rather possibly, your liked very hardly to understand, that, it is free or not, but she became the reason of dissonance in your family. It should strain, the man in the same situation is simple, closing a door and leaving away (on appointment or for ever), forgets absolutely about the wife and children. And the woman in such situation can have also a head nabekren... You speak, comes on appointments not in mood? The objective reasons which are capable even to unsettle very liking woman in your case a little, and all, maybe, hardly it or her will wound (your family, its or her family, other complexities). If how you describe the young unmarried girl behaved - does not like, unequivocally! But, when same most the adult person at whom in kilvatere dangles or hangs about curious (not in itself and as object of observation) the husband does or makes - it is possible or probable, she likes you even more, than you it or her, yes here a situation all this it or her gives her an opportunity to reveal and relax.. . You asked it or her what would be its or her status now, be you initially single?